Class %Net.Serializer [ Abstract, System = 3 ]
This is a utility class that provides an API for serializing objects to a wire protocol for interchange with remote systems.
Method %Serialize(ByRef ref) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator, Internal ]
This method performs automatic validation of an object's attribute values. It is called by %Save before persistent objects are stored to the database.
%ValidateObject does the following:
- It tests if any required property values are missing.
- If specified (if the PROPERTYVALIDATION class parameter is set to ValidateOnSave), it tests property validation.
- If present, it will call a user-supplied %OnValidateObject method.
If any of these tests fail, %ValidateObject immediately returns an error value. %Save (if it is the caller of %ValidateObject) will stop its operation, rollback any transactions it has started, and also return.
Returns a %Status value indicating success or failure. Serialize this object instance to a special wire format.
Method %Deserialize(ByRef tref, current As %Integer) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator, GenerateAfter = %Serialize, Internal ]
Deserialize wire data back into an object instance.