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Class Config.CommonMapProperties [ System = 4 ]

This class contains properties which are included by classes which manipulate namespace mappings in the CPF file.



Parameter DOMAIN = "%Utility";

Default Localization Domain



Property Comments As list Of CommentList;

Embedded comments in the CPF file.


Property CPFFile As %String(MAXLEN = 255, MINLEN = 1) [ InitialExpression = {$p($zu(86),"*")}, Transient ];

CPF file which the object maps to.


Property CPFName As %String(MAXLEN = 255, MINLEN = 1) [ InitialExpression = {##Class(Config.CPF).GetName($p($zu(86),"*"))}, Internal, Required ];

Internal name of the CPF file.
This property should not be set directly. It is updated when the CPFFile property is set.
When the CPFFile property is set, the CPFFile name dictates what is set here as follows:
c:\abc\IRIS.cpf ---> IRIS
/abc/iris.cpf ---> iris


Property Flags As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 7, Transient ];

Flags governing how the object is processed when %Save() is called.
For normal operations, all bits should be set.
Bit $$$CPFSave - Save object to disk.
Bit $$$CPFWrite - Write CPF file from object.
Bit $$$CPFActivate - Activate object into memory if CPFFile is the same as what is currently active.


Property Name As %String(MAXLEN = 128, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];

Name of the mapping.


Property Namespace As %String(MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];

Namespace where the mapping is.


Property SectionHeader As %String(MAXLEN = 255, MINLEN = 1) [ Internal, Required ];

Set to the name of the class.



Method CPFFileSet(Val) As %Status [ Internal ]

When the CPF file gets set, convert the file to an internal name, and store it as part of the index.
Basically, this strips off the directory specification and the .CPF file extension, and uses the resulting name as part of the index. On windows and VMS, the name is uppercased, on unix it is not. For example:

c:\abc\IRIS.cpf ---> IRIS
/abc/iris.cpf ---> iris
NOTE: This is the same code which exists in Config.CommonProperties


Method NamespaceSet(Val) As %Status [ Internal ]

Force the Namespace name to be uppercase.