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Class SYS.Cluster Extends %RegisteredObject




ClassMethod ClearSwitch(switch As %Integer) As %Status [ Internal ]

Clear a switch cluster wide (NOT including local system)


ClassMethod ClearSwitchSlaves(switch As %Integer) As %Status [ Internal ]

Clear a switch on slave nodes only (NOT including local system)


ClassMethod MembersInfo() As %RawString [ Internal ]

Information on live member systems of current cluster

Format of the return value:



  • port - Default Port Number of the cluster member
  • ip - IP address of the cluster member
  • csn - Cluster System Number of the cluster member The first (port,IP,csn) value set always refers to the local system.

On a non-clustered system, returns its Default Port Number only.


ClassMethod SetSwitch(switch As %Integer) As %Status [ Internal ]

Set a switch cluster wide (NOT including local system)


ClassMethod SetSwitchSlaves(switch As %Integer) As %Status [ Internal ]


ClassMethod NodeInfoConvert(NodeInfo As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Deprecated, Internal ]

Swap the Hostname and IP fields in a CluNodeInfoD-delimited node info string if Hostname does NOT contain commas, the delimiter we will use. On exit, also convert the delimiter from CluNodeInfoD to comma. NOTE: This method is deprecated. Use %SYS.ClusterInfo instead.


ClassMethod FindNode(CSN As %Integer, ByRef NodeInfo As %String) As %Integer [ CodeMode = expression, Deprecated, Internal ]

Return by reference the info piece about the cluster node of the given CSN, converted to a comma-delimited string (for backward compatibility)
Return code:

  • 0 if there no cluster node of CSN (that is alive at the moment) - NodeInfo is undefined;
  • 1 if the cluster node of CSN is the first piece (meaning it is the local node);
  • n>1 if the cluster node of CSN is the n-th piece (n has no particular meaning). NOTE: This method is deprecated. Use %SYS.ClusterInfo instead.


ClassMethod GetNodes(ByRef NodeInfo As %String, NoConvert As %Boolean = 0, SkipSelf As %Boolean = 0) As %Integer [ CodeMode = expression, Deprecated, Internal ]

Return by reference an array of info pieces about all cluster nodes (that are currently alive)
The array NodeInfo is indexed by csn, with the value of each element being a comma-delimited string containing the info about the node of csn.
The value of the top node NodeInfo is the csn of the local node
Return code: the number of nodes in the cluster (that are alive at the moment) NOTE: This method is deprecated. Use %SYS.ClusterInfo instead.


ClassMethod NodeListExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, SkipSelf As %Boolean = 0) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]

Returns info about member nodes of the cluster If SkipSelf = 1, skip the node where the query is run NOTE: This query is deprecated. Use %SYS.ClusterInfo instead.


ClassMethod NodeListFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]


ClassMethod NodeListClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status


ClassMethod JournalMarkersExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, LogFile As %SysPath = "") As %Status

Returns info about cluster journal markers


ClassMethod JournalMarkersFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status


ClassMethod JournalMarkersClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status