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Class %Api.InteropEditors.v2.impl Extends %Api.InteropEditors.v1.impl [ ProcedureBlock ]

Interoperability Editor API for InterSystems IRIS
Business logic class defined by OpenAPI in %Api.InteropEditors.v2.spec
Updated Nov 14, 2024 18:21:54



Parameter ExposeServerExceptions = 0;

If ExposeServerExceptions is true, then details of internal errors will be exposed.



ClassMethod GetPropertyList(namespace As %String, assistClassName As %String, searchProperties As %DynamicArray) As %DynamicObject

Get the property list for this rule type.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
assistClassName, Rule type in the form of an assist class name.
searchProperties, Search context and key for property list


ClassMethod GetMgmtUrl(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get the 'path' portion of the Interoperability management URL for a given namespace.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetRules(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of rule classes available on the server.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetPackages(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of defined packages.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetClassSummaries(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get summaries of non-hidden classes in this namespace.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetRuleTypes(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of rule types available on the server.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetConstraintOptions(namespace As %String, assistClass As %String, constraints As %DynamicArray) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of constraint options for this rule type.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
assistClass, Rule type, in the form of an assist class.
constraints, Constraints to get options for.


ClassMethod GetRuleTypeSchema(namespace As %String, assistClassName As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get the schema for this rule type.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
assistClassName, Rule type in the form of an assist class name.


ClassMethod PostRule(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String, ruleDefinition As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Create a new rule class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.
ruleDefinition, Definition which defines the contents of a rule class.


ClassMethod PutRule(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String, ruleDefinition As %DynamicObject, ignoreConflict As %Boolean) As %DynamicObject

Overwrite this rule class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.
ruleDefinition, Definition which defines the contents of a rule class.
ignoreConflict, Overwrite this class if it exists, ignoring conflicts.


ClassMethod GetRule(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get this rule class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.


ClassMethod CompileRule(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String) As %DynamicObject

Compile this rule class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.


ClassMethod GetExpiry() As %DynamicObject

Get the expiry of the current session


ClassMethod Logout() As %Stream.Object

Terminate CSP Session.


ClassMethod GetLanguage() As %DynamicObject

Get the language for this session


ClassMethod SetLanguage(language As %String) As %DynamicObject

Set the language for this session
The method arguments hold values for:
language, Language code to set for this session.


ClassMethod GetPermissions() As %DynamicObject

Get a list of permissions for the current user and namespaces they can access.


ClassMethod GetSystemMode() As %DynamicObject

Get the system mode of this instance.


ClassMethod GetInputPluginsList(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get list of input plugins.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetContextInputs(namespace As %String, contextClass As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get information on this context class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
contextClass, Name of the ObjectScript class used as a context class for a rule.


ClassMethod GetTestingInputs(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get information on this class.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.


ClassMethod TestRule(namespace As %String, ruleClass As %String, ruleTestMessage As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Run rule and return logs
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
ruleClass, Name of the ObjectScript class in which this rule definition is defined.
ruleTestMessage, Defines test parameters for rule class


ClassMethod GetProductionItems(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of production items in rule.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetDocTypes(namespace As %String, assistClassName As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of doctype names and categories for specified assist class
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
assistClassName, Rule type in the form of an assist class name.


ClassMethod GetLookupTables(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of lookup tables in this namespace.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetProductions(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of productions.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod GetProductionConfigItems(namespace As %String, production As %String, targets As %Boolean) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of production configuration items.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
production, Get the configuration items for only this production.
targets, Only get the configuration items of type 'target'.


ClassMethod GetTransforms(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get a list of data transforms.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod DispatchPlugin(namespace As %String, pluginPath As %String) As %Stream.Object

Dispatch to plugin endpoint.
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
pluginPath, Path of the plugin endpoint to hit.


ClassMethod SourceControlEnabled(namespace As %String) As %DynamicObject

Returns enabled true or false if Source Control Enabled for the namespace
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.


ClassMethod SourceControlGetMenus(namespace As %String, sourceControlRequestBody As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Returns Source Control Menu for the given parameters
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
sourceControlRequestBody, The parameters for the requested Source Control function


ClassMethod SourceControlUserAction(namespace As %String, sourceControlRequestBody As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Requests Source Control User Action for the given parameters
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
sourceControlRequestBody, The parameters for the requested Source Control function


ClassMethod SourceControlAfterUserAction(namespace As %String, sourceControlRequestBody As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Requests Source Control After User Action for the given parameters
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
sourceControlRequestBody, The parameters for the requested Source Control function


ClassMethod SourceControlGetStatus(namespace As %String, sourceControlRequestBody As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject

Requests Source Control GetStatus for the given parameters
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
sourceControlRequestBody, The parameters for the requested Source Control function


ClassMethod GetContextTypes(namespace As %String, contextClass As %String) As %DynamicObject

Get list of context types
The method arguments hold values for:
namespace, InterSystems IRIS namespace this operation will be performed in.
contextClass, Name of the ObjectScript class used as a context class for a rule.