Class %Atelier.v2.Utils.General Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod ValidType(pType As %String, ByRef pKeywords As %String) As %String
ValidType(pType,pKeyword) checks that a Type attribute is valid. If the type is valid then it is changed to upper case, inserted into the pKeywords array (passsed by reference) and returned as the result of ValidType
If the type is invalid then ValidType returns "".
Note: If the pKeywords array contains a conflicting Type value or a conflicting LanguageMode value then the Type attribute is invalid.
ClassMethod ValidLANG(pMode As %String, ByRef pKeywords As %String) As %String
ValidLANG(pMode,pKeyword) checks that a LanguageMode attribute is valid. If the mode is valid then it is inserted into the pKeywords array (passed by reference) and returned as the result of ValidLANG
If the mode is invalid then ValidLANG returns "".
Note: If the pKeywords array contains a conflicting Type value or a conflicting LanguageMode value then the mode attribute is invalid.