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Class %REST.Impl Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]

Abstract superclass for REST implementation classes generated from OpenAPI specifications.



Parameter ExposeServerExceptions = 0;

If ExposeServerExceptions is overridden as true, then details of internal errors will be exposed.



ClassMethod %SetStatusCode(statusCode As %String)

The HTTP Status code to be sent back in the response. The HTTP status codes are defined in RFC 2068.


ClassMethod %SetContentType(contentType As %String)

Set the content-type header of the response


ClassMethod %GetContentType()

Get the content-type header of the request


ClassMethod %SetHeader(name As %String, value As %String)

Sets a custom HTTP header into the reply. If you set the same header twice it will append the information to the first with a ',' between them. Note that name is not case sensitive, however we will remember the case of the header when sending this to the client.


ClassMethod %SetCookieFromHeader(cookie As %String)

Sets a custom HTTP Cookie into the reply. Takes the value of a Set-Cookie header as a String and parses out its properties. These include name,value,expires,path,etc... Created for use with WSGI.


ClassMethod %SetHeaderIfEmpty(name As %String, value As %String) As %Boolean

Helper method that sets a header if it is currently empty, if it already has a value it does nothing. Returns true if the header was set and false if it did nothing.


ClassMethod %GetHeader(name As %String) As %String

Return the value of the name request header. Note that name is not case sensitive


ClassMethod %DeleteHeader(name As %String)

Remove a header from the response. Note that name is not case sensitive


ClassMethod %ReportRESTError(statusCode As %String, sc As %Status, exposeServerExceptions As %Boolean = 0)

Report an error when processing a request. The implementation class may contain an override of %ReportRESTError in order to format the error response as required by the REST application. The override should use the %WriteResponse method to return the error response.


ClassMethod %CheckAccepts(produces As %String) As %Boolean

Check that the ACCEPT request header is included in the produces list.


ClassMethod %WriteResponse(response)

%WriteResponse is used by the dispatch class to write the response to this request.


ClassMethod %LogError(methodName As %String, error As %String, data As %String)

Log an API Management error


ClassMethod %CheckUniqueArray(array As %ListOfDataTypes) As %Boolean [ Internal ]

Check that all items of an array are unique.