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Class %SYSTEM.WorkMgrIPQ Extends (WorkMgr, IPQSet)

For internal use only



Method %OnNew(ByRef qstruct As %String, numberjobs As %Integer, type As %String = 2) As %Status [ Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]


Method SQLQueue(rtnidx As %Binary, work As %String, args... As %String) [ Internal ]

SQL Speicific queue function


Method Decode(qspec As %String, ByRef AtEnd As %Boolean) As %Status

This is called when the data received from the IPQ is "" in order to return any error information or output anything to the current device and to take care of book keeping. It will set AtEnd if we are at the end of the data and will run any callback methods and will return to the caller.


Method SQLDecode() As %Boolean [ Internal ]

SQL Specific decode function. Returns true if we are at the end of the work. Not for general use, use the Decode method. end signals we believe all work is completed so we should be able to wait for all complete and exit


Method SQLDecode2(end = 0) As %Boolean [ Internal ]

SQL Specific decode function. Returns true if we are at the end of the work. Not for general use, use the Decode method. end signals we believe all work is completed so we should be able to wait for all complete and exit


ClassMethod SQLInitialize(numberjobs As %Integer, checkdefault As %Boolean = 0, type As %Integer = 2, ByRef extable As %String, ByRef groupID As %String) As WorkMgr [ Internal ]

SQL Specific initialize function. Not for general use, use the Initialize method.


ClassMethod SQLSetup(args As %String, shardMapVersion As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]


ClassMethod SQLTearDown() As %Status [ Internal ]