Class %Studio.SASchema [ Abstract, System = 3 ]
This class is used as the super class for all the classes that implement SASchema interface.
ClassMethod OutputToFile(pFilename) As %Status
Output the SASchema definition to a file. This method does not need to be overriden by subclasses.
ClassMethod OutputToStream(pStream As %Stream.Object, Output pChecksum As %String, pParameter As %String) As %Status
Subclass should override this method. The method is passed a stream object to which the output should be written. Subclass can also return a checksum for the output. Ths checksum is used to check to see the output is up-to-date.
ClassMethod IsUpToDate(pChecksum As %String, pParameter As %String) As %Boolean
Subclass should override this method. Return a boolean to indicate whether the output associated with the pChecksum is still up-to-date or not.