Class %XML.Implementation Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 2 ]
Implementation of %XML.Adaptor methods.
This class is used internally by InterSystems IRIS. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
ClassMethod XMLDTD(class As %String, top As %String, format As %String, input As %Boolean, ByRef dtdlist) As %Status [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Implementation of XMLDTD.
ClassMethod XMLSchema(class As %String, top As %String, format As %String, namespacePrefix As %String = "", input As %Boolean, refOnly As %Integer, ByRef schema) As %Status [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Implementation of XMLSchema.
ClassMethod GenerateWSDL(class As %String, includeInternalMethods As %Boolean) As %Status [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Generate the WSDL
ClassMethod WriteHeaderBinding(writer As %XML.Writer, name As %String, part As %String, bodyUse As %String, namespace As %String) [ Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Output the header section of the soap binding
ClassMethod XMLGetSchemaImports(class As %String, ByRef imports, ByRef classes) As %Status [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Get import statements needed for the current schema in a WSDL.
ClassMethod WSDLMessageSchema(writer As %XML.Writer, descClass As %String, namespace As %String, typenamespace As %String, input As %Boolean, soapMessageName As %String, requestMessageName As %String, configId As %String, allowRedundantArrayName As %Boolean) [ Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Write the message tag of the WSDL to the current device for this XML enabled class serialized as an XML document. This call is only meaningful for SOAP encoding
namespacePrefix is the namespace prefix to be used for the namespace in which this schema is generated.
input=1 (true) means that the input message will be generated, otherwise the return message will be generated.
ClassMethod IsDuration(val As %RawString) As %Boolean [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
Check duration for validity and convert to months and seconds Format of duration is PnYnMnDTnHnMn[.nnnnnnnn]S
ClassMethod AddDuration(datetime As %TimeStamp, duration As %xsd.duration) As %Library.TimeStamp [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
Add duration to a date/time. The format of the date/time argument is as for $SYSTEM.SQL.DATEADD The return value is always of type %TimeStamp.
ClassMethod AnalyzeTiming(Output parseTime As %Integer, Output importTime As %Integer) [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Anayze collected SOAP timing statistics.
ClassMethod SetupTiming() [ Internal, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Reinitialize collection of SOAP timing statistics.