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Class %ZEN.Generator Extends %RegisteredObject [ Deprecated, System = 2 ]

This class contains various methods needed by method generators within the ZEN framework.
This is an internal class. Applications should not make direct use of the methods within this class.



ClassMethod %GenerateApplyURLParms() As %Status

Generates code for the %ApplyURLParms method.


ClassMethod %DoesXDataExist(pXDataName As %String, pLocalOnly As %Boolean = 0) As %Boolean

Called in the context of a method generator. Tests if the given XData block exists and has some content in it. pLocalOnly restricts the check to XDatas that originate in the current class.


ClassMethod %GenerateStyleSheet(pXDataName As %String) As %Status

Generates code for the given XData block that will write out the contents of the XData block as a Style Sheet Used for Style sheets. This method assumes it is being called in the context of a method generator.


ClassMethod %DrawClassDefinition() As %Status

Draw JavaScript needed to define client-side class for this component.
This is the logic of the %DrawClassDefinition method generator of %ZEN.Component.object.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.
It is also assumed that this is called *before* server serialization methods are generated, as this creates serialization metadata as a side effect.


ClassMethod %DrawObjectProperties() As %Status

Draw JavaScript needed to initialize properties for client side of this object
This is the logic of the %DrawObjectProperties method generator of %ZEN.Component.object.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.


ClassMethod %ObjectSynch() As %Status

This is the logic of the %ObjectSync method generator of %ZEN.Component.object.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.


ClassMethod %ZENDeserialize() As %Status

Generate %ZENDeserialize method.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.


ClassMethod %JSSerialize() As %Status

Generate client JSSerialize method.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.


ClassMethod %JSGetSettings() As %Status

Generate client getSettings method.
It is assumed that this is called during method generation time and that %code and other compiler objects are present.


ClassMethod GetPropertyType(pdef As %Dictionary.CompiledProperty) As %String

Get normalized type (class name) of given property definition. This is a duplicate of the same method in %ZEN.FormGenerator.


ClassMethod GetSuperClassList(pClass As %String, ByRef pList As %String, ByRef pSkip As %String, ByRef pSkipPackage As %String) As %Status

Build a list of super classes (indexed by number) starting from (and including) pClass. Stop when any of the classes in the list pSkip are reached. Skip any classes in any of the packages in the list pSkipPackage are reached.


ClassMethod GetOrderedProps(pClassDef As %Dictionary.CompiledClass, ByRef pList As %String, ByRef pSkip As %String, ByRef pSkipPackage As %String) As %Status

Build a list of properties in sequence order, including inherited properties.
On return, pList is a list of properties names (subscripted by order number). Stop when any of the classes in the list pSkip are reached.
Skip any classes in any of the packages in the list pSkipPackage are reached.
Private properties are skipped.


ClassMethod %FindLocalizedText(pMethod As %Dictionary.MethodDefinition, pDomain As %String, ByRef pTextList As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]

Find all occurences of $$$Text() localized strings within the given JavaScript method.
pDomain is the default DOMAIN of of the class containing the method. Any strings without an explicit domain used the default. If the default is missing, then the string is ignored. On return, pTextList contains a list of all localized strings in the form:
pTextList(domain,string) = ""