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Class %iKnow.Classification.Methods.VectorSpace Extends Base [ Abstract, Deprecated, System = 4 ]

This Builder Method implementation generates category term weights as a vector per category that exists in the same vector space as the document term vector. The similarity between the document vector and each of the category vectors can then be calculated using euclidean distance or cosine similarity (angle). Alternatively, these weights can be used for a linear regression formula, calculating a score rather than a similarity/distance.

A combination of global term weights (across the corpus), local term weights (within each category) and normalization (per category) is used to calculate these category vectors.



Property CustomTermWeights [ MultiDimensional ];


Property CategoryLocalTermWeights As %String(VALUELIST = ",binary,linear,logarithmic") [ InitialExpression = "linear" ];

The per-category term weight factor


Property CategoryLocalTermMetric As %String(VALUELIST = ",frequency,spread") [ InitialExpression = "spread" ];

The metric to use for calculating the local term weights


Property CategoryGlobalTermWeights As %String(VALUELIST = ",none,IDF") [ InitialExpression = "IDF" ];

The corpus-wide relevancy factor to take into account when calculating term weights


Property CategoryNormalization As %String(VALUELIST = ",none,cosine") [ InitialExpression = "none" ];

Whether and how to normalize the category vectors



Method %SetCustomWeight(pIndex As %Integer, pCategory As %String, pCustomWeight As %Double) As %Status

Sets a custom weight factor for the term at pIndex in pCategory.


Method %SetCustomWeights(pIndex As %Integer, ByRef pCustomWeights) As %Status


Method %OnRemoveTerm(pIndex As %Integer) As %Status

Callback invoked whenever an entire term at an index has been removed


Method %BuildClassificationMethod(ByRef pClassifier As %iKnow.Classification.Definition.Classifier, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1, pIncludeBuilderParams As %Boolean = 1) As %Status


Method %LoadFromModel(pDefinition As %iKnow.Classification.Definition.Classifier) As %Status


Method %LoadMethodBuilderProperties(pMethodBuilder As Base) As %Status [ Internal ]