Class %iKnow.Matching.Formats.SimplePrefixFormat Extends %iKnow.Matching.Formats.Format [ Deprecated, System = 4 ]
This sample %iKnow.Matching.Formats.Format implementation checks whether a string starts with a given character sequence, offering a meaningful MatchAll example.
Format parameters:
- prefix (%String, no default) - the prefix to check for, with no double, starting or trailing spaces
- outputType (%Integer, default 0) - what to supply in terms of output:
- 0: no output
- 1: the remainder of the word following the (first occurrence of the) prefix
- 2: same as 1, but if there is a space following the prefix, returns the next word
- 3: the whole entity starting right after the (first occurrence of the) prefix
Method HasMatchAll() As %Boolean
Method MatchAll(stringsGlobalName As %String, resultGlobalName As %String, formatParams As %List, minEntUniId As %Integer = 0) As %Status
Method MatchSingle(string As %String, formatParams As %List, Output matchScore As %Numeric, Output matchedWordBits, Output isScattered As %Boolean, Output formatOutput) As %Status
Method CalculateOutParams(string As %String, prefix As %String, outputType As %Integer, Output matchScore As %Numeric, Output matchedWordBits, Output isScattered As %Boolean, Output formatOutput) As %Status [ Private ]