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Class %iKnow.Queries.CcWSAPI Extends %iKnow.Queries.AbstractWSAPI [ Deprecated, System = 4 ]

This is an automatically generated class, offering a functionally equivalent set of methods and queries as %iKnow.Queries.CcAPI, exposed as WebMethod methods.

See the classdocs for %iKnow.Queries.CcAPI for more information.



Parameter NAMESPACE = "";


Parameter SERVICENAME = "iKnow.Queries.CcWSAPI";





ClassMethod GetByEntities(domainid As %Integer, entitylist As %ListOfDataTypes, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "", filtermode As %Integer = {$$$FILTERONLY}, positionstomatch As %Integer = {$$$USEPOSHT}, sorttype As %Integer = {$$$SORTBYDOMAINDEFAULT}, pActualFormOnly As %Boolean = 0) As %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]

This method will return all CC pairs in which any (if setop = $$$UNION) or all (if setop = $$$INTERSECT) of the entities supplied in the entitylist participate, within the boundaries of the supplied domain.

The scope of this query can be limited through supplying a %iKnow.Filters.Filter object for the filter parameter to restrict the result to those CCs occurring in any source satisfying the filter criteria. When using a filter, the filtermode parameter will control whether or not the frequency and spread of returned records should be recalculated and whether results should be resorted along these recalculated numbers.

Specifying a value for positionstomatch will limit the result to those CCs in which the supplied entities are on the Head (with positionstomatch = $$$USEPOSH) or Tail (with positionstomatch = $$$USEPOST) side rather than either of the two (with positionstomatch = $$$USEPOSHT, default setting).

If stemming is enabled for this domain through $$$IKPSTEMMING, CCs containing any actual form of the entities in entityList will be returned. Use pActualFormOnly=1 to retrieve only those CCs containing the actual forms in entitylist. This argument is ignored if stemming is not enabled.


ClassMethod GetByEntityIds(domainid As %Integer, entityidlist As %ListOfDataTypes, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "", filtermode As %Integer = {$$$FILTERONLY}, positionstomatch As %Integer = {$$$USEPOSHT}, sorttype As %Integer = {$$$SORTBYDOMAINDEFAULT}, pActualFormOnly As %Boolean = 0) As %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]

This method looks up CCs based on a list of Entity IDs.

See also GetByEntities for a description of the parameters.


ClassMethod GetCountByEntities(domainid As %Integer, entitylist As %ListOfDataTypes, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "", positionstomatch As %Integer = {$$$USEPOSHT}, pActualFormOnly As %Boolean = 0) As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

This method returns the number of CC pairs based on a list of entities.

See also GetByEntities for a description of the parameters.


ClassMethod GetCountByEntityIds(domainid As %Integer, entityidlist As %ListOfDataTypes, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "", positionstomatch As %Integer = {$$$USEPOSHT}, pActualFormOnly As %Boolean = 0) As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

This method returns the number of CC pairs based on a list of entity ids.

See also GetByEntities for a description of the parameters.


ClassMethod GetCountBySource(domainid As %Integer, sourceidlist As %ListOfDataTypes, setop As %Integer = {$$$UNION}) As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Returns the total number of unique CCs appearing in either (if setop = $$$UNION) or all (if setop = $$$INTERSECT) of the sources specified by ID in sourceidlist.

To get the unique CCs of a virtual source, only a single virtual source can be supplied using its negative ID value (otherwise, -1 is returned).


ClassMethod GetFrequency(domainId As %Integer, ccUniId As %Integer, vSrcId As %Integer = 0, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "") As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Returns the frequency of the CC corresponding to the supplied crcUniId.

When specifying a Virtual Source ID, the frequency within the virtual source will be returned.


ClassMethod GetId(pDomainId As %Integer, pHead As %String, pTail As %String, vSrcId As %Integer = 0) As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Returns, if any, the CC ID for the combination of head and tail specified.

When specifying a Virtual Source ID, it will treat the heads and tails as virtual entities, in the context of that vSrcId.


ClassMethod GetInverse(domainId As %Integer, ccUniId As %Integer) As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Returns the "inverse" of a CC pair, which means the CC composed of the same head and tail entity, but at inverted positions.


ClassMethod GetSpread(domainId As %Integer, ccUniId As %Integer, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767) = "") As %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Returns the spread of the CC corresponding to the supplied ccUniId.


ClassMethod GetValue(pDomainId As %Integer, pCcId As %Integer, vSrcId As %Integer = 0) As %Library.List [ WebMethod ]

Returns the entity values this CC is composed of.

When specifying a Virtual Source ID, it will treat the ccid as a virtual one, in the context of that vSrcId.