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Class %Atelier.v1.Utils.MetaData Extends %RegisteredObject



ClassMethod Build(pDataBaseName As %String) As %Status

This method is used to create the indices in {system_install}/dev/atelier/dbname. Once written the contents of the directory should be added to a zip file with the same name as the directory. In this manner Atelier can take advantage of the pre-index information for providing code completion and other facilities.


ClassMethod Export(pDataBaseName As %String, pTargetDirectory As %String) As %Status [ Private ]


ClassMethod ExportModified(pDataBaseName As %String, pTargetDirectory As %String, pDataBaseDir As %String) [ Private ]

Export the modified file information


ClassMethod ExportIndex(pDataBaseName As %String, pTargetDirectory As %String, tDataBaseDirectory As %String) [ Private ]

This entry point will index all the objects in a database and create a file for each in the specified target directory. The database name and target directory will be tested for existence.