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Class %Library.ListOfBinary Extends %Library.List [ ClientDataType = LIST, System = 2 ]

The %ListOfBinary data type class is used to represent data that is in $List format. The logical value for %List is a list of elements in $List format. %ListOfBinary adds to its superclass, %List, a comma separated base64 encoded XML export format.

When a %ListOfBinary data type value is projected to a client application, it exposes it as a syslist object. This allows the client application to efficiently manipulate the contents of the list.

Note that $List format is a compressed binary format; for this reason, a property of type of %List cannot be set through SQL nor can its value be queried through SQL (such as with a WHERE clause).

Refer to the documentation on $List in the ObjectScript Reference for more information.



Parameter XSDTYPE = "string";

Declares the XSD type used when projecting XML Schemas.


Parameter JSONTYPE = "string";

JSONTYPE is JSON type used for this datatype.



ClassMethod XSDToLogical(%val As %String) As %List [ CodeMode = generator ]

Converts the SOAP encoded input list value into a ObjectScript $list value.


ClassMethod LogicalToXSD(%val As %List) As %String [ CodeMode = generator ]

Converts the ObjectScript $list value to the canonical SOAP encoded value.