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Class %Library.RoutineMgr Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 2 ]

This class is used internally by InterSystems IRIS. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.

This is a wrapper class used by Studio to manipulate routines.



Parameter SQLPUBLICSECURITY = "{""RoutineMgr_DocumentTypes"":""E"",""RoutineMgr_StudioOpenDialog"":""Requires:%Development:USE"",""RoutineMgr_ImportItemList"":""Requires:%Development:USE""}";



Property Name As %String;

The name of the routine associated with this object.


Property TimeStamp As %TimeStamp [ Calculated ];

The timestamp of the routine associated with this object.


Property IsCSP As %Boolean [ Calculated ];

True is this is a CSP/CSR file, else false.


Property Namespace As %String [ Calculated ];

Return the namespace this routine/csp file exists in. Mainly used for CSP file for the Studio.


Property Protected As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];



Property Generated As %Boolean [ Calculated ];


Property UpToDate As %Boolean [ Calculated ];


Property Code As %Routine;

A stream (%Routine or %CSP.Routine) containing the routine associated with this object.



Method IsCSPGet() As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression ]


Method NamespaceGet() As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]


Method GeneratedGet() As %Boolean


Method UpToDateGet() As %Boolean


Method %OnNew(name As %String = "") As %Status [ Private ]


ClassMethod %OpenId(id As %String, concurrency As %Integer = 0) As %String

Open an instance of %RoutineMgr for routine with name id.


Method %Save(Output Refresh As %Boolean) As %Status

Save the routine associated with this object. Return Refresh=1 if the save has changed the document so it should be refreshed in the client


ClassMethod UserType(Name As %String, ByRef Class As %String, ByRef StudioType As %String, ByRef Schema As %String, ByRef StudioIcon As %Integer) As %Boolean


Method Compile(qspec As %String = "") As %Status

Compile the routine associated with this object.


Method GetCurrentTimeStamp(ByRef compiletime As %TimeStamp, ByRef uptodate As %Boolean) As %TimeStamp

Get the on-disk timestamp for the routine associated with this object.


Method TimeStampGet() As %TimeStamp [ CodeMode = expression ]


ClassMethod TS(name As %String, Output compiletime As %TimeStamp, Output uptodate As %Boolean) As %TimeStamp

Return the timestamp for this item. Also returns two output parameters compiletime is the time when this item was compiled, or null if not compiled. uptodate returns true if the named document is up to date with the compiled version, and false if the named document has been modified but not compiled, or a compiled subitem has been modified.


Method NameSet(name As %String) As %Status


Method LanguageModeGet() As %Integer


Method LanguageModeSet(languagemode As %Integer) As %Status


ClassMethod IsClassGenerated(classname As %String) As %Boolean

Return true if this classname is a generated class, and false otherwise


ClassMethod IsGenerated(name As %String) As %Boolean

Return true if this document is generated and false otherwise


ClassMethod IsServerOnly(name As %String) As %Boolean [ Internal ]

Returns true if this item is server only


ClassMethod IsMapped(name As %String, ByRef sourcedb As %String) As %Boolean

Return true if this item is mapped from a database other than the default routine database. Also return the source database in sourcedb.


ClassMethod Delete(name As %String) As %Status

Delete the routine name.


ClassMethod UpdateTemplates(qspec As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]

Used by Studio because it is hard to call %Studio.TemplateMgr directly


ClassMethod CheckSQLIdentifier(ByRef ident As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]

Used by Studio to avoid calling %SQL.


ClassMethod GetWebServerPort(ByRef port As %Integer, ByRef server As %String, ByRef urlprefix As %String, ByRef url As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]

Return the port the InterSystems IRIS web server is running on or 0 if the web server is not active. Also returns the server name which is useful if the web server is running on a different machine. It can also return a urlprefix which is added to the url to goto at the start and is required if one web server is serving multiple InterSystems IRIS instances to differential between these versions. It also returns url which is the constructed url as a string, you just need to append the page you are going to request to this.


ClassMethod ServerIP() As %String [ Internal, Private ]

Try to return the current servers IP address/name


ClassMethod IsCSPName(name As %String) As %Boolean

Return true if this is item is a file under a CSP application


Method Lock() As %Status

Lock this routine, return true if it worked and false if it did not.


Method Unlock() As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]

Unlock this routine, return a status code.


ClassMethod ConstructEditError(name As %String, isinsourcecontrol As %Boolean, ischeckedout As %Boolean, user As %String) As %Status

Internal method to construct the correct error code if the item is not editable because of source control hooks


ClassMethod ConstructCSPSession() As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]

Internal method to construct a CSP session with current security permissions and return the session id


ClassMethod ReturnCSPSessionId(id As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Deprecated, Internal ]

Deprecated internal method to return the CSP session id of the session constructed with ConstructCSPSession. This is no longer needed as ConstructCSPSession returns the CSP sessionId directly now.


ClassMethod DocumentTypesExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) As %Status

Return a list of the user document types that are defined


ClassMethod DocumentTypesClose(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) As %Status


ClassMethod DocumentTypesFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status


ClassMethod NamespaceListExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) As %Status

Return a list of namespaces on this system


ClassMethod NamespaceListClose(QHandle As %Binary) As %Status


ClassMethod NamespaceListFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status


ClassMethod ImportItemListExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, filename As %String(MAXLEN=512) = "", charset As %String = "", ByRef description As %String) As %Status

Given a comma separated list of filename this will return a list of the items that are in these filenames. Along with the name of each item it will also return the timestamp of the item if it is present in InterSystems IRIS already, and -1 if the item is not present. This allows you to decide if you wish to import this item and overwrite the existing item in InterSystems IRIS.


ClassMethod ImportItemListClose(QHandle As %Binary) As %Status


ClassMethod ImportItemListFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]


ClassMethod ImportItemListFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) As %Status

Returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.


ClassMethod Exists(name As %String) As %Boolean

Return true if the routine/csp/class/project/global/object code exists and false otherwise.


ClassMethod LockItem(name As %String, lock As %Boolean = 1, checksource As %Boolean = 1) As %Status

Get or release a lock on a document. If lock is true (the default) then it will be locked else it will be unlocked.


ClassMethod ConvertVersion(name, type, version) As %String

Internal function to return absolute version number


ClassMethod GetDate(name As %String) As %TimeStamp [ CodeMode = expression ]

Return the timestamp of this routine/csp/class/project/global/object code if it exists or -1 if it does not exist


ClassMethod BestRoutineMatch(name As %String) As %String

Given a routine name return the name including extension that is most suitable for Studio to open


ClassMethod GetOther(name As %String, type As %String, direction As %Integer = 1, label As %String) As %String

For a given source item, this function returns the source item(s) generated from it or from which it was generated (depending on the 'direction' flag).

  • name - string containing name of source item. For example: "Test" or "Sample.Person" There is NO ".MAC" etc in this name.
  • type - string containing type of source item: This can be one of: "INT","MAC","BAS","MVB","MVI","CLS","CSP","CSR","PY"
  • direction - direction flag: +1 will go in the direction that files are compiled in, for example MAC to INT or CLS to MAC, -1 will go in the opposite direction, INT to MAC, MAC to CLS etc. Returns comma-delimited list of source names (including type string appended to the end) or "" if there is no corresponding other. Example:
  • ("Test","INT",-1) --> "Test.MAC"
  • ("Test","MAC",1) --> "Test.INT"
  • ("Sample.Person","CLS",1) --> "Sample.Person.1.MAC,Sample.Person.2.MAC"
  • ("/csp/samples/menu","CSP",1) --> ""
  • ("Sample.Person.1","MAC",-1) --> "Sample.Person.CLS"

Note that for classes the routines shown do not include the method generator routines.

The label is of the form 'label+offset', if included then this will return the routine name followed by a ':' and then the offset corresponding to this position


ClassMethod builtInGetOther(name As %String, type As %String, direction As %Integer = 1) As %String [ Internal, Private ]


ClassMethod getClassesFromCSR(name As %String) As %String [ Internal, Private ]


ClassMethod getClassesFromCSRType(name As %String, prefix As %String, ByRef items As %String) [ Internal, Private ]


ClassMethod getRoutinesFromClass(class As %String, type As %Integer = 0) As %String


ClassMethod CompileClass(class As %String, qspec As %String, ByRef Reload As %Boolean) As %Status

For internal use only


ClassMethod showDir(location As %String, ByRef w As %String) As %Boolean [ Internal, Private ]

Internal method to determine if we should display a directory or not


ClassMethod AutoComplete(name As %String(MAXLEN=512), mask As %String = "", ByRef complete As %String(MAXLEN=512), generated As %Boolean = 1, directory As %String = "", saveas As %Boolean = 0) As %Status

Used to provide autocomplete in the open dialog, you pass in the name the user has entered and the mask which is the current pattern mask and it will return null if it can not find a match or the next name that does match.


ClassMethod StudioOpenDialogExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, Spec As %String(MAXLEN=512) = "", Dir As %Integer = 1, OrderBy As %Integer = 1, SystemFiles As %Boolean = 0, Flat As %Boolean = 0, NotStudio As %Boolean = 0, ShowGenerated As %Boolean = 1, Filter As %String(MAXLEN=512), RoundTime As %Boolean = 0, Mapped As %Boolean = 1) As %Status

This query is used by the Studio open dialog to provide a list of the types that can be opened. It will list all the items that match the Spec ordered by the OrderBy. The Dir specifies the direction to search in, 1 is in ascending order (the default) and -1 is in descending order.

Spec may contain both * and ? as wildcards. It may also consist of more than one, comma-delimited selections. If you wish to exclude items then prefix the pattern with ' symbol. OrderBy is one of:

  • 1 - Name of the file (the default), case insensitive
  • 2 - Date/Time the file was saved
  • 3 - Size of the file
  • 4 - Type of the file ie. INT, MAC, INC, BAS, MVB
  • 5 - Name of the file sorted case sensitively The query returns the name of the item, a delimiter to use to constructing paths with this item, if not specified it defaults to '.'. For example if the delimiter is '.' and you put in the pattern 'package/*' then when you select this a directory it should change the selection to 'package.newpackage/*'. Note that it always assumes that there is a '/' after the directory before the pattern, so for a CSP application where the delimiter returned is '/' if the spec was '/csp/samples/*' and you click on a directory 'cinema' you should construct the spec '/csp/samples/cinema/*'. The type of the item which can be one of:
  • 0 - MAC file, a routine containing macros
  • 1 - INT file, a standard routine
  • 2 - INC file, an include file
  • 3 - BAS file, a Cache Basic routine
  • 4 - CLS, a class
  • 5 - CSP, a Cache Server Page or another file in this directory
  • 7 - GBL, a Global
  • 8 - PRJ, a Project
  • 9 - a Package
  • 10 - a CSP application
  • 11 - MVB file, a MultiValue Basic macro routine
  • 12 - MVI file, a MultiValue Basic routine
  • 13 - OBJ, object code Further numbers are reserved for future use. It also returns the routine size and the date it was last saved.

The SystemFiles is true the results will include '%' items and INFORMATION.SCHEMA items in the search. If false (the default), results will only include non-percent items and no INFORMATION.SCHEMA items.
If Flat is true then it does not display directories but displays everything at the root level.
If NotStudio is true then it will display globals and OBJ routines as well, for Studio we exclude these types.
The ShowGenerated controls if this query includes items that are generated from another item, such as INT code that is generated from a class compilation.
The Filter if specified allows additional restrictions on the items being returned by specifying the WHERE clause of an SQL statement on the %Studio.OpenDialogItems, refer to this for a list of fields that can be referenced.


ClassMethod StudioOpenDialogClose(QHandle As %Binary) As %Status


ClassMethod StudioOpenDialogFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]

Fetch returns the next row in the query.


ClassMethod StudioOpenDialogFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) As %Status

StudioOpenDialogFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.


ClassMethod getUserDocument(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, ext As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, system As %Boolean, flat As %Boolean, ShowGenerated As %Boolean, Mapped As %Boolean) As %Status [ Private ]

User defined document types


ClassMethod getBackupList(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, bkpstart As %String, bkpend As %String) [ Private ]

Add the list of backup items that match these patterns


ClassMethod getGlobalList(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, SystemFiles As %Boolean) As %Status [ Private, PublicList = globaldir ]

Fill up the list of globals that match the pattern in w.


ClassMethod getProjectList(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, RoundTime As %Boolean = 0) [ Private ]

Fill up the list of projects that match the pattern in w.


ClassMethod getCSPList(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, flat As %Boolean, ByRef visited As %String, origdir As %String) [ Private ]

Fill up the list of CSP applications and files that match the pattern in w.


ClassMethod getClassList(idx As %Integer, ByRef work As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, clsStart As %String, clsEnd As %String, SystemFiles As %Boolean = 0, flat As %Boolean, ShowGenerated As %Boolean, RoundTime As %Boolean = 0) [ Private ]

Fill up the list of class that match the pattern in w.


ClassMethod getPackageList(idx As %Integer, directory As %String, SystemFiles As %Boolean, namespace As %String = {$namespace}, ByRef work As %String)

Fill up the list of packages for this directory.


ClassMethod getRoutineList(idx As %Integer, ByRef work As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, rtnStart As %String, rtnEnd As %String, SystemFiles As %Boolean, flat As %Boolean, ShowGenerated As %Boolean, notlist As %Boolean = 0, RoundTime As %Boolean = 0) [ Private ]

Fill up the list of packages for this directory.


ClassMethod getRoutineBlock(idx As %Integer, ByRef w As %String, directory As %String, sort As %Integer, rtnStart As %String, rtnEnd As %String, SystemFiles As %Boolean, flat As %Boolean, number As %Integer, ShowGenerated As %Boolean, RoundTime As %Boolean = 0) [ Private ]


ClassMethod genPattern(pSpec As %String, ByRef prAS As %String, ByRef prAE As %String, ByRef prPattern As %String, pFlag As %Integer) [ Private ]

Passed a pattern match this returns an COS style pattern and a start and stop point.


ClassMethod CreateCSPDirectory(directory) As %Status

Given a CSP path create the associated directory.


ClassMethod FeatureBits(bit As %Integer = "") As %Binary [ Internal ]

Method implemented for Studio


ClassMethod OnPageCode(language As %String, xml As %Boolean = 0) As %String


ClassMethod CheckDeveloperRole() As %Status [ Internal ]


ClassMethod KillProcess(pid As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]


ClassMethod NormalizeName(name As %String) As %String


ClassMethod DeletePackage(package) As %Status

Used to delete the files associated with a directory from the open dialog


ClassMethod OutOfDateDocuments(Output pDocumentList As %String, pSpec As %String(MAXLEN=512) = "*", pSystem As %Boolean = 0, pGenerated As %Boolean = 0, pMapped As %Boolean = 1) As %Status

Calculates the names of all documents that are not up-to-date with their compiled code and returns their names as a subscripted array.


  • pDocumentList - A subscripted array of document names with the format pDocumentList("User.Test.cls")="". Can be used as the first argument to $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileList().
  • pSpec - Check documents that match this spec. May contain both * and ? as wildcards. It may also consist of more than one, comma-delimited selections. If you wish to exclude items then prefix the pattern with ' symbol.
  • pSystem - Check system documents.
  • pGenerated - Check generated documents.
  • pMapped - Check documents that are mapped from another code database.