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Class %SYS.BackgroundTask Extends %Persistent [ Abstract ]

This class implements a framework for providing administrators with status and control of long-running tasks/utilities/operations that set to run in the background. These are typically (but not necessarily) tasks that are started interactively, but run in the background because they may run for a long time (e.g. some database management utilities). Note that this framework is separate from the "Task Manager" frameword which can be used to schedule activity.

There are subclasses for each type of operation that uses this infrastructure and objects of those subclasses represent instances that are running or have run since the system started up.

To use this framework for progress and control of a background task, you simply open or query objects the objects through this class or the relevant subclass. The properties represent a snapshot of the state and progress of the task. You can periodically check for changes by rerunning the query or reloading the object via standard object interfaces %OpenId and %Reload.

RunningState contains information about whether the task is running or not (as of the time the object was last loaded or queried). Progress information may be available via ProgressCurrent, ProgressTotal and ProgressUnits. When complete, the %Status is available in FinalStatus. Subclasses may expose other properties that are germain to that particular type of operation.

Pause, Resume, and Cancel are enabled for some subclasses

Users should not modify properties or save these objects.

To start a job running the task in the background, you can use class method Start in the desired subclass. The arguments are unique to each subclass. Start returns an oref to use for monitor and control.



Parameter DOMAIN = "%Utility";



Disposition for cancel requests.

0 - not allowed
1 - polls for cancel requests
-1 - directly terminate the process



Disposition for pause requests.

0 - not allowed
1 - polls for pause requests
-1 - directly pause the process



Property StartTime As %TimeStamp [ ReadOnly ];

Start time of run


Property DisplayType As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*} = $list($classmethod({Class},"GetDisplayInfo"),1) }, SqlComputed ];

A text string to display as the type of background task as defined by its subclass.


Property Class As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { new mstc if ##class(%SYS.BackgroundTask).%OnDetermineClass($$$oidCompose({ID},"%SYS.BackgroundTask"),.mstc) set {*}=mstc }, SqlComputed ];

The subclass name of the task; accessible via SQL where oref.%ClassName(1) is not be available.


Property Namespace As %String [ ReadOnly ];

Namespace in which the task is run.


Property FinalStatus As %Status [ ReadOnly ];

Status code when finished


Property PID As %String [ ReadOnly ];

PID of job performing the work, available once the "Running" state has been entered.


Property Request As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=+$listget({ExternalState},2) }, SqlComputed ];

Request to the running task. 1 is request to pause. 2 is request to cancel.


Property RunningState As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=$listget({ExternalState},1) }, SqlComputed ];

Information about whether the task is running or not. Values are constants, defined for convenience in

  • "Starting" ($$$BGTaskStarting) - Object has been created but has not started working yet.
  • "Running" ($$$BGTaskRunning) - Task is running
  • "Done" ($$$BGTaskDone) - Task has completed successfully
  • "Error" ($$$BGTaskError) - Task has returned an error - see FinalStatus
  • "Paused" ($$$BGTaskPaused) - Task has been pasued
  • "Cancelled" ($$$BGTaskCancelled) - Task has been cancelled
  • "Exited" ($$$BGTaskExited) - Task exited unexpectedly and did not complete normally


Property ProgressCurrent As %Numeric [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=+$listget({ExternalState},3) }, SqlComputed ];

The current amount of progress made. To be interpreted, along with ProgressTotal and ProgressUnits as follows:

  • non-zero total and non-null units: current and total values are to be displayed with the unit string.
  • non-zero total and null units: current / total is to be displayed as a percentage.
  • zero total, non-zero current, and non-null units: current is displayed with the unit string (without reference to the total).
  • otherwise numeric progress not available.


Property ProgressTotal As %Numeric [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=+$listget({ExternalState},4) }, SqlComputed ];

The total amount of progress that must be made to complete. This value may change while running as more accurate estimates become available. See ProgressCurrent for more detail.


Property ProgressUnits As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=$listget({ExternalState},5) }, SqlComputed ];

The units in which progress is measured. Used to display progress to the user. Null is allowed, treating progress as dimensionless. See ProgressCurrent for more details.


Property ProgressDetails As %String [ Calculated, Internal, SqlComputeCode = { set {*}=$listget({ExternalState},6) }, SqlComputed ];

Internal progress details returned from subclasses in GetProgress. Subclasses may expose calculated properties derived from this value.


Property HasEnded As %Boolean [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { s {*}=$case({RunningState},$$$BGTaskDone:1,$$$BGTaskError:1,$$$BGTaskCancelled:1,$$$BGTaskExited:1,:0) }, SqlComputed ];

True if the RunningState is one that will not progress any further. Used by monitoring interfaces to determine whether monitoring should continue.


Property PauseIsAvailable As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { s {*}=$select('..#PAUSEDISPOSITION:0,{Request}:0,{RunningState}'=$$$BGTaskRunning:0,1:1) }, SqlComputed ];

True if pause is allowed for this task and the state (as of load time) is such that it can be paused. Used by user interface code to determine whether to enable a "pause" control.


Property CancelIsAvailable As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { s {*}=$select('..#CANCELDISPOSITION:0,{Request}=$$$BGTaskReqCancel:0,{RunningState}=$$$BGTaskRunning:1,{RunningState}=$$$BGTaskPaused:1,1:0) }, SqlComputed ];

True if cancel is allowed for this task and the state (as of load time) is such that it can be paused. Used by user interface code to determine whether to enable a "cancel" control.


Property ResumeIsAvailable As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { s {*}=$select('..#PAUSEDISPOSITION:0,{Request}'=$$$BGTaskReqPause:0,{RunningState}=$$$BGTaskRunning:1,{RunningState}=$$$BGTaskPaused:1,1:0) }, SqlComputed ];

True if pause is allowed and the utility is paused. Used by user interface code to determine whether to enable a "resume" control.


Property MemIdx As %Integer [ Internal, Private, Required ];

Index used to access shared memory structure


Property Version As %Integer [ Internal, Private, Required ];

Version used to access shared memory structure


Property JobNum As %Integer [ Internal, Private ];

Job number of process with the memory reservation


Property JobID As %Integer [ Internal, Private ];

JobID of process with the memory reservation


Property ExternalState As %List [ Internal, Private, SqlComputeCode = { new rst,o set {*}={ExternalStateStored},rst=$listget({ExternalStateStored},1) if (rst=$$$BGTaskStarting)||(rst=$$$BGTaskRunning) { set o=##class(%SYS.BackgroundTask).%OpenId({ID}) set:o {*}=o.GetExternalState({ExternalStateStored}) } }, SqlComputed, Transient ];

$LISTBUILD string containing any information used to derive the state of this object that does not come from the storage of the object itself. Such state information is loaded into this transient property once each time the object is loaded or queried. The exposed properties for such state information are Calculated and derive their values from this property.


Property ExternalStateStored As %String(MAXLEN = 30000) [ Internal, Private ];

Last value of ExternalState, stored with the object



ClassMethod Start(args...) As %ObjectHandle [ Final ]

Starts this task in the background and returns on oref for monitoring and control. Returns null on error, with error status available in %objlasterror. The meaning of the arguments are specific to each subclass.


ClassMethod Register(args...) As %ObjectHandle [ Final, Internal ]

Creates the object and saves it marked as in "Starting" state. The caller can then call Run directly or pass the object id to another (background) process to open and then call Run. In the latter case, see documentation for WaitForRunning for important information about coordinating with the other process.

Returns null on error, with error status available in %objlasterror.


Method Run(args...) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]

Marks the task as "Running", executes the code in this process and saves the return status as FinalStatus. If this method is called from a process other than the one that created the object and the creating process gave up waiting before this method was called (e.g. it closed the object, or timed out in WaitForRunning), then this method returns an error, $$BGTaskNotRunnable.

The arguments passed to this method must be identical to those passed to Register.


Method WaitForRunning(timeout As %Integer = 10) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]

To be used when the job calling Register will rely on a different main job (typically, but not necessarily, a child) to perform the work. After passing the object ID to another job, call this method to wait for that job to call Run. If this method times out, the object is deleted.

The caller can use the return value to positively report success or failure of starting the task to the user. Upon success, the job that runs the task has control and status can be tracked through this object. The object is reloaded as part of this method to reflect that latest state. Upon return status code $$$BGTaskStartTimeout, the utility object is deleted, the main job is sure to not be running this task, and the caller should close this object.

Note that calling this method is not strictly required. The main job can begin running before this method is called. If the process creating the object does not call this method however, it must ensure that it keeps the object open long enough for the main job to start and call Run. If the caller closes the object beforehand, it will be automatically cleaned and if the main job eventually calls Run, it will get an error.


Method Cancel() As %Status [ Final ]

Request cancellation.


Method Pause() As %Status [ Final ]

Request pause.


Method Resume() As %Status [ Final ]

Request to resume from pause.


Method Execute(args) As %Status [ Abstract, Internal, Private ]

Subclasses must override this method. This method is called by the process calling Run to perform the real work. The return from this method is recorded as FinalStatus.

Overview: Running your code via the %SYS.BackgroundTask framework

This class provides infrastructure to run your long-running tasks in the background, with status, progress and administrative control available to the operator. You create a subclass that specifies certain behaviors, including the rules by which it will display progress and respond to pause and cancel requests.

Progress can be reported by periodically posting updates using $system.BGUtil.PostProgress(). Progress can alternatively be calculated (perhaps via a pre-existing mechanism) by overriding the GetProgress callback. You can even use a combination of the two: posting updates with $system.BGUtil.PostProgress() and futher refining them for presentation in the callback. If no progress is reported by any of these mechanisms, the progress field will simply be omitted from the status display.

You choose whether to enable the pause and/or cancel control. You can allow pause and cancel actions to directly suspend or terminate the job, or you can choose to poll for Pause and Cancel request codes as return values from $system.BGUtil.PostProgress and/or $system.BGUtil.CheckRequest calls.

You may define properties in the subclass to expose more details, such as the arguments passed by the user or additional progress-related details. This is discussed further below.

More info on using $system.BGUTil methods

During execution of the your code, you can call $system methods of the %SYSTEM.BGUtil, namely PostProgress() and CheckRequest(). If your subclass is defined to poll for pause and/or cancel, PostProgress() does so. To poll without posting progress you can call CheckRequest(). If your code neither posts progress nor polls for pause/cancel requests then these methods are not needed.

These classmethods are lightweight, and operate in shared memory that is automatically associated with the process that called Run. They do not modify any globals or this object. Calling them does not require an oref and if called in a process that has not called Run, these $system functions do nothing. This design means they can be placed into subroutines which are only sometimes called within the context of your background task subclass, and in low-level subroutines where it may be impractical to pass an oref all the way down the stack.

Detailed Guide

The paradigm described above is designed for maximum flexibility with existing code. Simple status information like RunningState, FinalStatus, and others are reported to users without any changes; you simply create a subclass with an Execute method that wraps an existing API. Cancel and pause can optionally be offered for basic single-processed routines via direct suspend/resjob. If your code has existing progress reporting facilities, they can be adapted into the GetProgress callback. Otherwise, if desired, you can enhance existing code to periodically post progress updates via $system.BGUtil.PostProgress(), and they will automatically be seen via this infrastructure (without any need to implement GetProgress()).

The following steps can be used as a guide

1. Define a subclass of this class, named after the utility/operation/API it implements.

2. Optionally, override PAUSEDISPOSITION and CANCELDISPOSITION to allow pause and/or cancel requests.

3. Provide an implementation of Execute (which may just call a pre-existing API). If desired, update that lower-level code to post progress with $system.BGUtil.PostProgress(). (See %SYSTEM.BGUtil for further reference).

4. Optionally, define any additional properties you wish to maintain and report to the operator as part of the status display. Define those properties in the subclass and override GetDisplayInfo to include them in the display. Your property may be relatively static, or may reflect an additional detail about progress. An example of a static property is a "Dataabase" property that set to the database path passed as argument. The value should be set in OnStarting based on the arguments passed. For an example of a progress-related property imagine a "CurrentFile" property that contains the file name in a task that processes multiple files.

To ensure that progress-related properties behave properly create them as follows. First, see GetProgress documentation, and include the necessary information in ProgressDetails (in the CurrentFile example, that means retrieving the filename and returning it as part of the 'detail' output argument). Then, define property CurrentFile as "Calculated,SQLComputed", adding the compute code to derive its value from ProgressDetails. Finally, override GetDisplayInfo to include CurentFile in the progress display.

5. Optionally, override OnStarting to do any argument validation you desire. Errors returned here are presented to the user immediately in Start.


Method OnStarting(args) As %Status [ Internal, Private ]

Optional method to override in subclasses. Called in the process that starts the background task to validate arguments and set any static properties. After this method returns, the object will be saved and visible to operators for the first time with RunningState set to "Starting". Failure returned from this method causes Start to fail.


Method OnRunning(args) As %Status [ Internal, Private ]

Optional method to override in subclasses. Called in the main process that will execute the task code. When this method returns, the object is saved with RunningState set to "Running" and then Execute will be called. This method exists for subclasses to save any static properties which require information from the main process. At the time that this method runs, Start has already returned success. You should only return errors from this method in exceptional cases. Errors returned will be recorded as the FinalStatus of this object.


Method GetProgress(ByRef current As %Integer, ByRef total As %Integer, ByRef details As %String, ByRef units As %String) As %Status [ Internal, Private ]

Optional method to override in subclasses to compute progress or to refine progress metrics posted to shared memory. On entry, pass-by-reference parameters current, total and details have the values last posted to memory (if any calls to $system.BGUtil.PostProgress() were made). Subclasses may modify their values (perhaps based on their input values, or by retrieving progress information via an external mechanism). Subclasses may also assign a value to units. The values on output become values of the namesake properties ProgressTotal, ProgressCurrent, ProgressUnits, and ProgressDetails.

Note that on input, details is an integer fetched from memory, but subclasses may transform it into any string on output (ProgressDetails is a %String). ProgressDetails is not displayed by default; it is a property from which other calculated properties can derive their values. By putting the code to retrieve that progress information here, rather than directly in the compute code for such properties, all progress-related information can be captured in the same place and at the same moment as other progress information (perhaps atomically depending on your implementation).

This method is called only once each time the object is reloaded, rather than on each reference to the property, so it presents this object as a "snapshot" of the progress at the time it was loaded/queried.

This method is called from any process that opens or queries this object while RunningState is "Running". It is possible that the running job has exited, either normally (due to a race between this method and the main process), or abnormally, or due to cancellation. This code must expect those possibilities. If the caller finds that the job exited and the state was still Running, the state will be changed to Exited, this method wil be called, the final progress information will be stored, and it will not be called again.

This is also called once from the main job itself after Execute returns in order to update and store final progress information, after which this method will not be called again.


ClassMethod GetDisplayInfo(Output props) As %List [ Internal ]

Optional method to override in subclasses to control how the task is to be displayed to users.

Returns $ListBuild(tasktype) where 'tasktype' is what the task modeled by the subclass is called (e.g. Database Defragmentation). This method may additionally return an output array 'props' that describes how to display properties defined in this subclass. The form of the output array is


where the following meanings apply

  • i - A numeric index, starting at 1, and incrementing for each subclass property to display
  • propertyname - The name of the property to display
  • label - A (localized) string label to display for this property
  • qualifiers - A string of letter qualifiers that affect how the property will be displayed (see below)

qualifiers supported

  • "p" - Progress property; place this property with the standard progress information. Such properties typically have values derived from ProgressDetails, which is populated by the subclass in GetProgress.


Method RegisterSub(args...) As %Status [ Final, Internal, Private ]

Subroutine of Register


Method %OnClose() As %Status [ Final, Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]

On closing the object if we're the job that created it and the shared memory is still marked 'new' (meaning it was never run), free it and delete the object.


ClassMethod %OnDelete(oid As %ObjectIdentity) As %Status [ Final, Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]

If we're called to delete an object that still has shared memory, free it first.


Method GetExternalState(stored) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]

SQLCompute code for ExternalState


Method End(status As %Status) As %Status [ Final, Internal, Private ]

Subroutine of Run to mark the task as completed.


ClassMethod Child(id As %Integer) [ Final, Internal ]

Called with the JOB command from Start


Method SetRunningState(state) [ Final, Internal, Private ]

Private method for setting RunningState because it's readonly externally and has a shadow copy stored


Method Request(request) As %Status [ Final, Internal, Private ]

Implementation of admin requests to cancel, pause, resume


Method JobIsRunning() As %Boolean [ Internal, Private ]

Helper function used to check that the job recorded as running this task is running. It checks that PID still has the same job number and job id, meaning that the PID hasn't been reused.


Method CHUIMonitor() [ Final, Internal ]

Outputs and refreshes a monitoring screen displaying the current status. Output goes to the principal device, which is assumed to be a terminal.