Class %SYS.SecurityContextToken Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 3 ]
Utility class to save and load SecurityContextToken from WS-SecureConversation 1.3. This class is used by %SOAP.WSSC.SecurityContextToken to do the work that must be done by a class in the %SYS package. This class is used internally by InterSystems IRIS. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class."
ClassMethod Save(sct As %SOAP.WSSC.SecurityContextToken) As %Status [ Internal ]
Save this SecurityContextToken in a system wide global. The global format is: ^SYS("SOAPContext",Identifier,Instance)=$lb(type,ExpiresInSeconds,Key,AppliesTo,any,wsuId as $list,MustNotSendCancel) The index for cleanup is ^SYS("SOAPContext",0,ExpiresInSeconds,Identifier,Instance)="" where Instance is $c(0) if no Instance and type is always = 1 for SecurityContextToken.
ClassMethod Open(identifier As %xsd.anyURI, instance As %String = "") As %SOAP.WSSC.SecurityContextToken [ Internal ]
Retrieve the SecurityContextToken with this identifier for system wide global. See Save method description for details.
ClassMethod Load(sct As %SOAP.WSSC.SecurityContextToken, keepId As %Boolean = 1, internal As %Boolean = 0) As %Boolean [ Internal ]
Retrieve the SecurityContextToken properties for token with this identifier for system wide global. See Save method description for details.
ClassMethod Log(terminal As %Boolean = 0) [ Internal ]
Log list of SecurityContextTokens
ClassMethod Cleanup() [ Internal ]
Remove expired tokens
ClassMethod Remove(sct As %SOAP.WSSC.SecurityContextToken, internal As %Boolean = 0) [ Internal ]
Remove this token from context list
ClassMethod RemoveAll() [ Internal ]
Remove all security contexts