Class %XML.Exchange.ChangeControlBase Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]
Configuration Management Change Control Base
This class is the change control superclass. It does nothing but provide interface for the real extensibility classes to use. Subclass from this and implement the methods as required.
Property Username As %Library.Username;
The username of this source control user.
Method %OnNew(initval As %String) As %Status [ Final ]
This just calls the Login to perform an initialisation. Note that this is called automatically via the %XML.Exchange.ChangeControlInterface class, do not call %New directly.
Method %OnClose() As %Status
Call the LogOut method before the object closes.
Method Login(Name As %String, Password As %String) As %Status
Perform any login step here.
Method Logout() As %Status
Perform any logout step here.
Method OnBeforeLoad(InternalName As %String) As %Status
This is called before the actual load of data to give the chance to load the Exchange Item from an external format. Note: This event is not fired prior to an update via SQL.
Method OnAfterLoad(InternalName As %String) As %Status
This is called after the Exchange Item is loaded.
Method OnBeforeSave(InternalName As %String, Insert As %Boolean) As %Status
Called before the Exchange Item is saved to the database. If you quit with an error value then it will abort the save.
Method OnAfterSave(InternalName As %String, Insert As %Boolean) As %Status
This is called after the Exchange Item has been saved to the database.
Method OnBeforeDelete(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Called before a Exchange Item is deleted. Returning an error code prevents the delete from occurring.
Method OnAfterDelete(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Called after a Exchange Item is deleted.
Method %BeforeLoad(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Internal use event.
Method %AfterLoad(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject = {$$$NULLOREF}) As %Status
Internal use event.
Method %BeforeSave(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject = {$$$NULLOREF}, Insert As %Boolean) As %Status
Internal use event. Note: Internal ids are not allocated to new objects prior to this event.
Method %AfterSave(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject = {$$$NULLOREF}, Insert As %Boolean) As %Status
Internal use event.
Method %BeforeDelete(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Internal use event.
Method %AfterDelete(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Internal use event.
Method %BeforeInsertTrigger(InternalName As %String, Values As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger. Note: Id has already been allocated when the before insert trigger is fired.
Method %AfterInsertTrigger(InternalName As %String, Values As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger.
Method %BeforeUpdateTrigger(InternalName As %String, Values As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger.
Method %AfterUpdateTrigger(InternalName As %String, Values As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger.
Method %BeforeDeleteTrigger(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger.
Method %AfterDeleteTrigger(InternalName As %String) As %Status
Internal use trigger.