Class %ZEN.DataModel.Adaptor Extends %ZEN.DataModel.ObjectDataModel [ Abstract, Deprecated, System = 4 ]
This is class is used to add support for the DataModel interface to a persistent class.
Set this false so that dynamic properties do not inadvertently interfere with the user's persistent object.
ClassMethod %CreateModelInstance(pID As %String, pConcurrency As %Integer = -1, Output pSC As %Status = {$$$OK}) As %RegisteredObject [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
Create an instance of this DataModel object.
Subclasses may override this for special behavior.
Method %OnOpenSource(pID As %String, pConcurrency As %Integer = -1, Output pSC As %Status = {$$$OK}) As %RegisteredObject [ CodeMode = expression ]
This callback method is invoked when a DataModel is opened. If implemented, it opens an instance of the data source object used by the DataModel.
Method %OnSaveSource(pSource As %RegisteredObject) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
This callback method is called when the DataModel is saved. If implemented, it is responsible for saving changes to the data source.
ClassMethod %OnDeleteSource(pID As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
This callback method is called when the DataModel is deleted.