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Class %ZEN.Mobile.RSS.Application Extends %Persistent [ Deprecated, System = 3 ]



Parameter DEFAULTGLOBAL = "^ZEN.Mobile.RSS.Application";



Property Name As %String(MAXLEN = 75);

Together with the NameIndex, this property defines the primary key of this class enabling reference by name


Property Description As %String(MAXLEN = 250) [ Required ];

This contains a short description of the application


Relationship Feeds As Feed [ Cardinality = children, Inverse = Application ];

The application manages a collection of Feeds



Method GetSubscription(pURL As %String) As Feed

This retreives a subscription by URL


Method IsSubscribed(pURL As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression ]

Check to see if the application is already subscribed


Method Subscribe(pURL As %String, pTag As %String = "", pTimeout As %Integer = -1, pHttpRequest As %Net.HttpRequest = "") As %Status

Subscribe to a feed. Feed URL is required, an optional tag can be added which can be used to categorize the feed


Method UnSubscribe(pURL As %String) As %Status

UnSubscribe from a feed


Method ListSubscriptions(Output pURLs As %String) As %Status

Returns a list of subscriptions


Method UpdateOneSubscription(pURL As %String, pPurgeCurrent As %Boolean = 0, Output pTimeTaken, Output pItemsUpdated, pTimeout As %Integer = -1) As %Status

Update One Subscription. Given a URL defining a feed, fetch the current items for the feed. If the pPurgeCurrent flag is set to true, then the previously stored contents of the feed will be purged. You can also pass an output parameter to receive the time taken to perform the operation, an output parameter to receive the number of items updated. For advanced usages a timeout and pre-configured HttpRequest object can be passed ( for example for https access, a HttpObject preconfigured with credentials is required )


Method UpdateAllSubscriptions(Output pItemsUpdated As %Integer, Output pTimedOut As %Boolean = 0, pTimeout As %Integer = -1) As %Status

Update All Subscriptions. This method will update all the subscriptions owned by this application by fetching the latest list of items and merging them into the database. If a timeout is supplied and exceeded the update will not fail, but report a TimedOut via the pTimedOut parameter. The total number of items updated is reported by the pItemsUpdated parameter


Method %OnNew(pName As %String = "", pDescription As %String = "") As %Status [ Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]

Assing the name and decription to the application