Class %DeepSee.Generator Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]
This class contains methods used by the various DeepSee code generators.
This class should be consider to be INTERNAL to DeepSee; There are no methods intended for public use.
ClassMethod %ProcessVirtualMembers(pCube As %DeepSee.Model.cube, Output pNamedSets As %List, Output pCalcMembers As %List, ByRef pCaptions As %String, ByRef pDescriptions As %String, ByRef pMemberList As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]
Given a cube model, fill in a set of arrays with meta data about the named sets and calculated members for the cube.
ClassMethod %BuildCubeInfo(pCube As %DeepSee.Model.cube, pSchema As %String, Output pDimIndex As %List, Output pDimNames As %List, ByRef pFactIndex As %String, Output pFactInfo As %List, Output pStarInfo As %List, ByRef pMsrIndex As %String, ByRef pRelationInfo As %String, ByRef pRelIndex As %String, ByRef pCaptions As %String, ByRef pMeta As %String, ByRef pDependList As %String, ByRef pComputedDims As %String, ByRef pDescriptions) As %Status [ Internal ]
Given a cube model, fill in a set of arrays with meta data for the cube.
This meta data takes the form:
pDimIndex(dno,hno,lno) = $LB(mbrType,dimName,hierName,lvlName,factName,mbrClass,mbrField,...)
pDimIndex(dno,hno,lno,"opt",...) = member options (for time classes)
pDimIndex(dno,hno,lno,"prop",prop) = $LB("p",mbrClass,mbrField,propName,propType)
pDimIndex(dno,hno,lno,"mbr",mbr#) = $LB(mbrName,mbrSpec) (for explicit members)
pDimNames(dname,hname,lname) = $LB(dimNo,hierNo,lvlNo)
pCaptions(dname,hname,lname) = $LB(name,displayName)
pMeta(key) = value -- additional information ("hasAge").
pDependList(dno,hno,lno,tFactNo) -- dependOn info
pComputedDims(dname) -- indicates that this is a computed dimension
ClassMethod %GetFactName(pPrefix As %String, pName As %String, pSourceProperty As %String, pSourceExpression As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pRangeExpression As %String = "", pLinkClass As %String = "", pLinkProperty As %String = "", pTimeOffset As %String = "") As %String
Construct a Fact (property) name based on the given specifications.
pPrefix is a prefix, such as "Dx".
pName is the name of an element (such as a level).
pSourceProperty is a source property name.
pSourceExpression is a source expression used to derive the fact.
pFunction is a function (or name of time level class) applied to the fact.
pRangeExpression is a range expression applied to the fact.
pTimeOffset is a time offset applied to the fact.
ClassMethod %AddStarTable(pCube As %DeepSee.Model.cube, pSharedCube As %String, pSchema As %String, ByRef pStarInfo As %String, Output pStarName, pSourceClass As %String, pLevelName As %String, pSourceProperty As %String, pSourceExpression As %String, pLinkClass As %String, pLinkProperty As %String, pRangeExpression As %String, pAlias As %String, pContext As %String, pCollation As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Create a star (dimension) table to hold information for a given level. The table may already exist.??? pStarInfo contains information about known star tables (and gets modified by this method).
pSchema is the SQL schema to which the fact table belongs.
pStarName is the name of the star table (returned by reference). This is used as the type of the fact.
pLevelName is the name of the current level.
pSourceClass is the source class for the cube.
pSourceProperty is the source property for the base fact.
pSourceExpression is the source expression for the base fact.
pAlias is the optional field name alias.
pContext contains the name of the model element currently being processed (e.g., "Product.H1.Name"). This is used for error reporting.
ClassMethod %AddPropertyToStar(pStarName As %String, pPropName As %String, ByRef pStarInfo As %String, Output pStarProp As %String, pSourceClass As %String, pSourceProperty As %String, pSourceExpression As %String, pIsReference As %Boolean, pLinkClass As %String, pLinkProperty As %String, pRangeExpression As %String, pAlias As %String, pContext As %String, pCollation As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Add an additional field to the given star table.
pStarName is the name of the star table.
pPropName is the name of the property (from the model).
pStarInfo contains information about known star tables (and gets modified by this method).
pStarProp returns (by reference) the name of the new property.
pSourceClass is the source class for the cube.
pSourceProperty is the source property for the base fact.
pSourceExpression is the source expression for the base fact.
pAlias is the optional field name alias.
pCollation is the optional collation to apply ("" or "exact").
pContext contains the name of the model element currently being processed (e.g., "Product.H1.Name"). This is used for error reporting.
ClassMethod %AddRollupToStar(pStarName As %String, pRollupFact As %String, ByRef pFactInfo As %String, ByRef pStarInfo As %String, pContext As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Add a rollup property to the given star table.
pStarName is the name of the star table.
pRollupFact is the name of the rollup fact.
pFactInfo is the array of information about facts.
pStarInfo contains information about known star tables.
pContext contains the name of the model element currently being processed (e.g., "Product.H1.Name"). This is used for error reporting.
ClassMethod %CreateFactTable(pCube As %DeepSee.Model.cube, pCubeClass As %String, pSchema As %String, pSourceType As %String, ByRef pFactIndex As %String, ByRef pFactInfo As %List, ByRef pStarInfo As %List, ByRef pMsrIndex As %String, ByRef pRelationInfo As %String, ByRef pStorage As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]
Given meta data for a cube, create the set of Fact and Star Table classes related to it.
ClassMethod %BuildOrderedList(ByRef pDepends, Output pList) As %Status
Internal method. Given a list of items of the form:
pDepends(item) = ""
Return an ordered list with base items listed first.
ClassMethod %GetAncestors(pItem As %String, ByRef pDepends, Output pList, ByRef pVisited) As %Status
Internal method. Given an item within a dependency list, return its set of ancestors (items with no further dependencies).
ClassMethod %GetDimensionLocation(pClassName As %String, pSuffix As %String = "") As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Construct a storage location for a dimension (star) table. Note that these are subscripted by upper-case class name.
ClassMethod %GetFactLocation(pClassName As %String, pSuffix As %String = "") As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Construct a storage location for a fact table. Note that these are subscripted by upper-case class name.
ClassMethod %GetListingLocation(pCubeName As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Construct a storage location for a listing table. Note that these are subscripted by upper-case cube name.
ClassMethod %GetIndexLocation(pCubeName As %String, pIndex As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Construct a storage location for a fact table index. Note that these are subscripted by cube name and index number.
ClassMethod %GetSearchIndexLocation(pCubeName As %String, pPropName As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Construct a storage location for a fact table search index. Note that these are subscripted by cube name and prop name.
ClassMethod %CreateStarTable(pCube As %DeepSee.Model.cube, pCubeClass As %String, pStar As %String, ByRef pStarInfo As %List) As %Status [ Internal ]
Create a Star (dimension) table.
This table is used to hold members of a dimension level.
ClassMethod %GetPropertyType(Output tSC As %Status, Output pParms As %String, pClass As %String, pProp As %String, pContext As %String = "") As %String [ Internal ]
Given a class and property return its type.
pProp can contain a set of referenced fields using dot syntax.
Return "" if the property does not exist.
pContext is used for error messages. [Previously private]
ClassMethod %GetSQLFieldExpression(Output tSC As %Status, pClass As %String, pPropExpr As %String, pAllowStreams As %Boolean = 0) As %String
Convert a dot syntax reference to an SQL arrow syntax expression.
ClassMethod %MakeDescription(pMemberType As %String, pName As %String, pSource As %String = "", pNotes As %String = "") As %String
Return a description string for the given class member.
ClassMethod %MakePropStorageDef(pPropName As %String = "", ByRef pKnownValues, ByRef pNewValues) As %Dictionary.StorageDataValueDefinition
Produce a storage definition for the pPropName that can be inserted into the class's storage definition. The array pKnownValues contains the previously compiled storage data, and is used as a working index to avoid collisions in the storage definition. The pNewValues array will contain the storage data for all properties actually encountered while working through this current definition.
ClassMethod %AnalyzeStarProperty(pSourceClass As %String, pSourceProperty As %String, Output pType As %String, Output pParms, pContext As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
For the given source class and reference to property within the source class, find the type of the property; the aliased name for the property; the root property needed to fetch complete details on the property.
ClassMethod %DenormalizeType(pType As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]
Convert a class name of the form %Library.xxx to %xxx.
ClassMethod %IsString(pType As %String) As %Boolean
Test to determine if the current type is a string or is a custom datatype with %String as a superclass
ClassMethod %MakeSQLCompute(Output pCode, pClass As %String, pMethod As %String, pBase As %String, ByRef pOptions) As %Status
Given a classname, method name, base expression, and optional list of options, return a value that can be used as an SQL computed field expression. Match the options with arguments in the functions formal spec.
ClassMethod %ParseTimeFunction(pSpec As %String, Output pFuncName As %String, Output pOptions As %String) As %Status
Take a time function specification ("Function(p=1)") and find from it the function name and list of options with their values.
ClassMethod %ParseExpression(pCode As %String, Output pResult As %String, Output pPropList As %String, pVarName As %String = "%source") As %Status
Take a ObjectScript expression and find all the occurences of .Property, replace them and return a list of property references. An expression can also contain a reference to a class method of the cube class using the syntax %cube.Method. This is replaced later.
ClassMethod %GetSQLTableName(pClass As %String) As %String [ Final ]
Returns the SQL table name for class pClass.
ClassMethod %GetSQLColumnName(pClass As %String, pProp As %String) As %String [ Final ]
Returns the SQL name of property pProp for class pClass.
ClassMethod %CompareMetaData(pCube As %String, Output pResults) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]
Compare the meta data for the given cube with a prior definition.
Results are returned in pResults.
ClassMethod %ProcessSubjectArea(pCubeClass As %String, pSubject As %DeepSee.Model.SubjectArea.subjectArea, ByRef pCaptions As %String, pJoinList As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Build the meta data for the given subject area model. pCaptions(dname,hname,lname) = displayName
ClassMethod %CreateCursorName(pPrefix As %String, pClassName As %String) As %String [ Internal ]
Create a unique cursor name to avoid SQL problems!