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Class %DeepSee.TermList Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]

This class contains the APIs for DeepSee Term Lists. A Term List is a simple lookup table that can be used to translate values when creating DeepSee models or can be referenced at run-time.



ClassMethod %GetTermLists(Output pList As %List) As %Status

Get a list of currently defined term lists. This is returned as:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)


ClassMethod %GetTermListArray(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output %pData) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]

Return an array of all currently defined DeepSee TermLists in a format that can be used by a finderDialog.


ClassMethod %TermListExists(pTermList As %String, Output pSC As %Status) As %Boolean

Test if the given term list exists.


ClassMethod %DeleteTermList(pTermList As %String) As %Status

Delete the specified term list.


ClassMethod %Lookup(pTermList As %String, pKey As %String, pField As %String = "", pDefault As %String = "") As %String

Lookup a single value within the term list pTermList. pKey is the unique key for the item in the term list.
pField is the name of the value field to use; if not supplied, "value" is used.
pDefault is a value to return if the key or property value do not exist.
If the termlist has a pattern associated with it, and the requested field is the "value" field, then the pattern is applied to value before it is returned.


ClassMethod %GetValueArray(pTermList As %String, Output pArray As %String, pField As %String = "") As %Status

Lookup all values (the "value" field) from the term list pTermList and copy them into a local array. The output is:
pArray(key) = value
If pField is supplied, then use the value of that field.


ClassMethod %CreateTermList(pTermList As %String, pCaption As %String = "", pFieldList As %String = "", pPattern As %String = "", pDescription As %String = "", pSubjectArea As %String = "", pHideValue As %Boolean = 0) As %Status

Create (or update if present) the given term list.
pTermList is the name of the term list.
pCaption is the optional caption (display name) of the term list.
pFieldList is an optional ^-delimited list of fields.
pPattern is an optional pattern to apply to the "value" field.
pDescription is the description of the term list.
pSubjectArea is the optional name of the subject area the term list applies to.


ClassMethod %SetValue(pTermList As %String, pKey As %String, pValue As %String, pField As %String = "") As %Status

Set a value within the term list pTermList using the given key value. If pField is provided, then set the value of that field.


ClassMethod %GetTermListNameFromStream(pFileName As %String, ByRef pTermListName As %String = "") As %Status


ClassMethod %ImportCSV(pFileName As %String, ByRef pTermListName As %String = "", pVerbose As %Boolean = 1) As %Status

Load a TermList from the CSV-file, pFileName. The first value on each line is used as a key value, the second as the "value" field. All other values are ignored unless there is a field list defined. In this case, the field list determines how the values within each record are used.
If pTermListName is supplied, use it. Otherwise use the %%NAME field found in the file.
If pFileName is a stream, then import from it. WAL041 -- pTermListName is returned


ClassMethod %ExportCSV(pTermList As %String, pFileName As %String = "", pIncludeEncoding As %Boolean = 1) As %Status

Export a TermList to the CSV-file, pFileName. The meta-data for the term list is written to the starting lines of the file using %% as a prefix for key values. + WAL044 -- add pIncludeEncoding; this is not needed in %DeepSee.UI.TermListExport


ClassMethod %WriteCSVRecord(ByRef pRecord, pEncode As %Boolean)

Write out the contents of the integer-indexed array pRecord in csv format. There should be no gaps in the array.


ClassMethod %ParseCSVRecord(pText As %String, Output pValues)

Parse a CSV record and split it into an ordinally index array.


ClassMethod %ToObj(pTermList As %String, Output pSC) As %DeepSee.UserLibrary.TermList


ClassMethod %FromObj(pObject As %DeepSee.UserLibrary.TermList) As %Status