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Class %DeepSee.ListingGroup Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]

This class contains APIs for managing Listing Groups. A listing group porvides the ability to define DeepSee listings outside of the cube and subject area definitions.



ClassMethod %GetListingGroups(Output pList, pCompiled = 1, pRequestCube = "*")

Returns a list of listing groups currently stored. The return structure is
pList(GroupID,counter) = $LB(GroupID,Name,Caption,CubeList,Class). If the setting pCompiled = 1 is used, only listing groups that have successfully been compiled will be returned. Otherwise, all models currently saved will be returned.


ClassMethod %GetClassName(pListingGroupName = "", pCompiled = 1) As %String

Look up the storage class for a given listing group. The parameter pCompiled = 1 indicates only the available metadata should be returned. pCompiled = 0 returns all listing definition classes defined in the namespace.


ClassMethod %DeleteListingGroup(pListingGroup) As %Status [ Internal ]

Utility method to delete a listing group definition. This will delete both compiled and uncompiled definitions.


ClassMethod %SaveListingGroup(pGroupObject As %DeepSee.Model.ListingGroup.listingGroup, pClassName = "") As %Status

Utility method for saving a listing group object to its class.


ClassMethod %ListingGroupExists(pListGroupName = "", pCompiled = 1) As %Boolean


ClassMethod %GetModel(pClassName = "", Output pStatus As %Status) As %DeepSee.Model.ListingGroup.listingGroup [ Internal ]

Serialize the listing group model stored in the class pClassName.


ClassMethod %GetListingGroupArray(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output %pData) As %Status [ Final, Internal ]

Return an array of all currently defined DeepSee ListingGroups in a format that can be used by a finderDialog.