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Class %ML.DeferredStatement Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 4 ]

Deferred version of a %SQL.Statement. This class is a facade for %SQL.Statement and as such implements the %SQL.Statement interface



Property SQL As %String [ MultiDimensional ];

SQL statement


Property SQLCOUNT As %String [ MultiDimensional ];

SQL statement to count result set rows


Property Args As %String [ MultiDimensional ];

Any query args


Property %SQLCODE As %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

%SQLCODE indicates whether or not the statement was executed successfully. If %SQLCODE is not negative (greater than or equal to zero) then the statement was successfully executed. Otherwise, the value of %SQLCODE contains the error code and the %Message property might contain more information about the error.


Property %Message As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 256);

%Message contains additional information about an error reported as a negative value in %SQLCODE. Additional information is not always available.



Method %Prepare(ByRef %statement As %String) As %Status

Facade for %SQL.Statement:%Prepare()


Method %Execute(%parm...) As %SQL.StatementResult

Facade for %SQL.Statement:%Execute Note, returns $THIS as it's not a real resultset, but it'll get passed into the ML provider.


ClassMethod %ExecDirect(ByRef StmtHandle As %SQL.Statement = {$$$NULLOREF}, ByRef %statement As %RawString = "", ByRef %statementcount As %RawString = "", %parm...) As %SQL.StatementResult

Facade for %SQL.Statement:%ExecDirect Note, returns $THIS as it's not a real resultset, but it'll get passed into the ML provider.


Method %Next(ByRef sc As %Status) As %Integer

No-op implementation of this