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Class %ML.PMML.Provider Extends %ML.Provider

This Provider does not train models based on a dataset, but can be used to import a model built elsewhere and exported to the Predictive Modeling Markup Language standard, as supported in InterSystems IRIS.

Supported USING parameters:

  • class_name: %DeepSee.PMML.Definition subclass containing the PMML definition
  • file_name: directory path to a file containing the PMML definition
  • model_name: if the PMML definition contains multiple models, optinally specify the name of the one to use

Either class_name or file_name must be provided. model_name is optional



Parameter PROVIDERNAME As %String = "PMML";

Provider name



Method %BeginTraining(model As %ML.Model, data As %SQL.StatementResult, trainingrun As %ML.TrainingRun, ByRef name As %String = "", ByRef trainkey) As %Status

Train an ML model


Method %WaitForTraining(ByRef trainkey, trainingrun As %ML.TrainingRun, ByRef trainedmodel As %ML.TrainedModel, timeoutMS As %Integer = -1) As %Status