Class %ML.H2O.Provider Extends %ML.Provider
Implements the QuickML provider
Parameter PROVIDERNAME As %String = "H2O";
Provider name
Parameter SQLTYPE As %String [ Constraint = "resultset,query", Flags = ENUM ] = "query";
Property h2o As %Net.Remote.Object;
Java objects: h2o: The Main class with QuickML Specific functions dataframe: sql and row data converted to H2O Dataframe objects
Method %OnInit() As %Status
Opens JavaGateway and creates the Java objects for H2O
ClassMethod %GetDefaultSettings(ByRef settings As %DynamicObject)
Adds the default settings for H2O to the settings dynamic object
Method %CreateModel(modelName As %String, ByRef model As %ML.Model, ByRef params) As %Status
Create a ML model
Method %GetTrainStatement() As %SQL.Statement
Returns an instance of %SQL.Statement to be used for the training query
Method %BeginTraining(model As %ML.Model, data As %SQL.StatementResult, trainingrun As %ML.TrainingRun, ByRef name As %String = "", ByRef trainkey) As %Status
Train an H2O model data argument is not used for IoC providers name is no longer used. trainingrun.name is already defined
Method %WaitForTraining(ByRef trainkey, trainingrun As %ML.TrainingRun, ByRef trainedmodel As %ML.TrainedModel, timeoutMS As %Integer = -1) As %Status
Check for training complete
ClassMethod getModel(modelId As %String) As %Stream.GlobalBinary [ SqlProc ]