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Class %ZEN.Auxiliary.dataSet Extends %ZEN.Component.object [ Deprecated, System = 3 ]

This class provides a way to assemble data that can be conveniently passed between the web client and the server. A dataSet object can contain 0-dimensional (scalar) data, 1-dimensional (list), 2-dimensional, or 3-dimensional data, as specified by its dimensions property.



Property dimensions As %ZEN.Datatype.integer(MAXVAL = 3, MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

Number of dimensions within the dataSet.


Property %size As %ZEN.Datatype.integer(MINVAL = 1, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ MultiDimensional, Private ];

Size, indexed by dimension number, of each dimension.


Property %data As %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ MultiDimensional, Private ];

Array of data values within the dataSet.


Property %labels As %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ MultiDimensional, Private ];

Set of captions used as labels along the various dimensions of the dataSet.
The array of labels is indexed by dimension number and position within the dimension.


Property clientData As %ZEN.Datatype.list(XMLPROJECTION = "NONE", ZENSETTING = 0);

Array of serialized data values going to and coming from the client.


Property clientLabels As %ZEN.Datatype.list(XMLPROJECTION = "NONE", ZENSETTING = 0);

Array of serialized label values going to and coming from the client.


Property clientSize As %ZEN.Datatype.list(XMLPROJECTION = "NONE", ZENSETTING = 0);

Array of serialized dimension size values going to and coming from the client.



Method %OnNew(initvalue As %RawString) As %Status [ Private, ProcedureBlock = 1 ]


Method %SetDimensions(dims As %Integer)

Set the number of dimensions within the dataSet. Changing the number of dimensions deletes the contents of the dataSet.


Method %GetDimensions() As %Integer [ CodeMode = expression ]

Get the number of dimensions within the dataSet.


Method %Clear()

Delete data currently in the dataSet.


Method %GetLabel(n As %Integer = 1, dim As %Integer = 1) As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]

Get the value of a label at position n in dimension dim within the dataSet.


Method %GetDimSize(dim As %Integer = 1) As %Integer [ CodeMode = expression ]

Return current size of a dimension.


Method %SetLabel(pLabel As %String, n As %Integer = 1, dim As %Integer = 1)

Set the value of a label at position n in dimension dim within the dataSet.


Method %GetValue(d1 As %Integer = 1, d2 As %Integer = 1, d3 As %Integer = 1) As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]

Get the value of a cell within the dataSet.


Method %SetValue(pValue As %String, d1 As %Integer = 1, d2 As %Integer = 1, d3 As %Integer = 1)

Set the value of a cell within the dataSet. Updates dimension size as needed.


Method %GetArray(Output pArray)

Copy the contents of this dataSet into a local array.


Method %SetArray(ByRef pArray, s1 As %Integer = 1, s2 As %Integer = 1, s3 As %Integer = 1)

Set the contents of this dataSet from a local array. The local array must have the same dimensionality as the dataSet and must have the correct number and type of subscripts.
The caller is also responsible for supplying the sizes of each dimension.


Method %Print()

Print out contents of this dataSet to the current device.


Method %OnObjectSynch() As %Status

Make sure client data is prepared.


Method %OnZENDeserialize() As %Status

Deserialize additional values from the client.


Method %OnDrawObjectProperties() As %Status

Called just before we serve property values to the client.


Method %SerializeData(pDelim As %String = {$C(5)}) As %Status

Convert internal arrays to a serialized strings for use on the client.


ClientMethod clear() [ Language = javascript ]

Clear contents of this dataSet.


ClientMethod redim(dims, sz1, sz2, sz3) [ Language = javascript ]

Update size of dataSet to new dimensions and size.


ClientMethod swap(dim, item1, item2, labels) [ Language = javascript ]

Swap the contents of 2 "slices" of the dataSet within the specified dimension.
For example, swap the contents of 2 rows within a 2D dataSet. If labels is true, then swap labels as well.


ClientMethod insert(dim, index) [ Language = javascript ]

Insert a new "slice" into the dataSet within the specified dimension just before item index (0-based).
If index is -1, then insert at the end.


ClientMethod remove(dim, index) [ Language = javascript ]

Remove a "slice" from the dataSet within the specified dimension at position index (0-based).


ClientMethod getDimensions() [ Language = javascript ]

Return the number of dimensions in the dataSet.


ClientMethod getDimSize(dim) [ Language = javascript ]

Return the number of items in the specified dimension (dim is 1,2, or 3).


ClientMethod getLabel(n, dim) [ Language = javascript ]

Get the label at position n (0-based) in the given dimension (1,2, or 3).


ClientMethod getData(d1, d2, d3) [ Language = javascript ]

Return the data contained in the specified location. Location is 0-based;


ClientMethod setLabel(label, n, dim) [ Language = javascript ]

Set the value of the label at position n (0-based) in the given dimension (1,2, or 3).


ClientMethod setData(value, d1, d2, d3) [ Language = javascript ]

Set the data contained in the specified location. Location is 0-based;