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Class %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonArrayProvider Extends (%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, %ZEN.Component.dataView) [ Deprecated, System = 3 ]

A specialized version of the JSON provider pulls a subset of data from a master JSON provider. This is intended for cases where there is a subset of data within a larger content object and the application needs to see this data independently. A typical case is an array within a containing object.
This component ignores all of the data source callback methods inheritied from the jsonProvider class.



Property arrayName As %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "children" ];

Name of the property within the base JSON model that contains the array projected by this provider.



Method %DrawJSON() As %Status [ Internal ]

Draw JSON output.


ClientMethod getContentObject() [ Language = javascript ]

Return the client-side JSON data as an object or null.


ClientMethod getContentArray() [ Internal, Language = javascript ]

Return the array within the content object that supplies the values to a dataView.