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Class %DeepSee.Aggregate.aggregate Extends %RegisteredObject [ Abstract, System = 3 ]

Base class for calculating MDX aggregates. This provides the basic interface for aggregartes as used in the MDX engine.



Property Count As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

Keeps a running count of values processed


Property data As array Of %Double;

Array of processed values



Method ProcessValue(pValue As %Double) As %Status

ProcessValue is called sequentially on each value in a target set. The default behavior of this method is to file the value in the data array in order of arrival.


Method GetResult(Output pStatus As %Status) As %Double

GetResult is invoked after every target value has been processed to return the final value of the aggregate.


ClassMethod %PreProcessValue(value As %Double)

Perform any specific validation or other preprocessing just before adding the value to the set


ClassMethod %PostProcessValue(result As %Double)

Perform any specific validation or other postprocessing just before returning the final value