Class %DeepSee.ComputedDimension.SET Extends %DeepSee.ComputedDimension.Base [ System = 4 ]
This class implements a computed dimension that uses an external SET definition to resolve members.
Parameter DIMTYPE = "mdx";
Type reported back to the UI. This determines what type of control to display for filters based on this class.
Property %args As %String [ MultiDimensional ];
Array of arguments from the SET class spec.
Method %FindComputedMemberByName(pName As %String, Output pFlag As %Boolean, Output pMemberKey As %String, Output pMemberId As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]
Test if pName is a valid member name.
Method %OnComputeBitset(pSpec As %String, pIndexKey As %String) As %Status
Build the bitset that corresponds to the given computed dimension "spec".
Method %MemberSearch(pSearchKey As %String, Output pList As %List) As %Status
Execute a search for members.
Return a list of the form:
pList(n) = $LB(value,key)
ClassMethod %ParseArgList(pArgList As %String, Output pList As %String) As %Status
Parse an argument list "(arg:value,arg:value)" for a SET class. Return an array of names and values.