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Class %DeepSee.Diagnostic.Monitor



ClassMethod %FetchActivity(Output pActivity, pTag As %String = "*") As %Status

Fetch the list of all processes which have AppFrameInfo set. Current activity is returned in
pActivity(ID) = appFrameInfo
Optionally pTag may be supplied to limit the collection to appFrameInfo which contains the requested tag.


ClassMethod %PrintActivity(pTag As %String = "%BI")

Write current activity to the current device. The pTag parameter can filter the export to a collection of AppFrameInfo entries pushed to the stack with that identification tag at $LB(frameInfo,1). By default this will collect all AppFrameInfo entries which use the "%BI" tag anywhere in the stack.


ClassMethod %ExportActivityToFile(pFileName = "", pTag As %String = "%BI") As %Status

Export current activity recorded in the AppFrameInfo to a file. The pTag parameter can filter the export to a collection of AppFrameInfo entries pushed to the stack with that identification tag at $LB(frameInfo,1). By default this will collect all AppFrameInfo entries which use the "%BI" tag anywhere in the stack.


ClassMethod %ConvertBIFrameToString(pFrameItem As %String, pIndent = 10) As %String

Conversion a single stack piece of appFrame data to a printable string.