Class %DeepSee.REST.v2.CommandServer Extends %DeepSee.REST.REST
This class is responsible for exposing the functionality of %DeepSee.CubeManager.Utils via REST APIs
XData UrlMap
ClassMethod %ValidateRequest(pUrl As %String, pMethod As %String) As %Status
ClassMethod BuildCube(namespace As %String) As %Status
A wrapper for %DeepSee.Utils.%BuildCube which records cube event information when building the cube. Required Properties: cubeName Optional Properties: async, indexOnly, maxFacts, tracking, mapCube, buildStats, factList
ClassMethod RepairBuild(namespace As %String) As %Status
This method provides a means of doing an unscheduled repair build of a registered cube. Required Properties: cubeName Optional Properties: map, async, indexOnly, maxFacts, tracking, buildStats, factList
ClassMethod BuildAllRegisteredGroups(namespace As %String) As %Status
This is a utility method which executes a complete build of all currently registered cubes in the current cube registry. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: map, buildStats
ClassMethod BuildOneRegisteredGroup(namespace As %String) As %Status
This is a utility method which executes a complete build of one registered cube group in the current cube registry. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: groupName, map, buildStats
ClassMethod SynchronizeCube(namespace As %String) As %Status
A wrapper for %DeepSee.Utils.%SynchronizeCube which records cube event information when building the cube. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: cubeName, readCommitted, checkReferences, async, mapCube, synchronizeStats
ClassMethod GetLastUpdate(namespace As %String) As %Status
Retrieves the timestamp of the the last registered data update for the cube. Updates performed outside of the Cube Manager will not be recognized in this check. Required Properties: cubeKey Optional Properties: updateType
ClassMethod GetActiveRegistry(namespace As %String) As %Status
Retrieve the name of the Cube Registry currently marked Active Required Properties: None Optional Properties: None
ClassMethod SetActiveRegistry(namespace As %String) As %Status
Change which Cube Registry is currently active. The Active Registry is the only one that is visible to the updater tasks. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: className, mustExist
ClassMethod BuildRegistryMap(namespace As %String) As %Status
Retrieve the map that describes the current state of the Cube Registry and all other unregistered cubes on the system. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: className, registeredOnly For the lookup variable in the output JSON, for each array in the "cubes" object, the first value corresponds to that the GroupIdx value and the second the CubeIdx value for that cube. The Cube can then be retrieved as follows: Set Cube = Map.Groups.GetAt(GroupIdx).Cubes.GetAt(CubeIdx)
ClassMethod WriteToRegistry(namespace As %String)
Walk through a CubeManager.RegistryMap object and register the cubes. Required Properties: cubeMap Optional Properties: None
ClassMethod ScheduleUpdaterTasks(namespace As %String) As %Status
Schedule the build and synch tasks according to the settings in a CubeManager.RegistryMap object. Required properties: None Optional properties: cubeMap
ClassMethod GetSynchScheduleParameters(namespace As %String) As %Status
Convenience method -- takes the number of seconds between synchs and sets the parameters for the call to %SYS.Task.DeepSeeSynchronize:Schedule() Required Properties: None Optional Properties: scheduleSynchInterval, dailyFrequency, dailyFrequencyTime, dailyIncrement, dailyStartTime
ClassMethod GetCubeSize(namespace As %String) As %Status
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the number of rows within its fact table. Required Properties: None Optional Properties: cubeKey
ClassMethod IsValidGroup(namespace As %String) As %Status
Boolean test which returns 1 if the group supplied as the argument is no less than the union of the natural groups of each of its members. Required Properties: group Optional Properties: groups, cubes, buildOrders
ClassMethod IsValidCubeSchedule(namespace As %String) As %Status
Validation for the current cube settings. Required Properties: cube Optional Properties: None
ClassMethod %SetAnswerStatus(ByRef answer, errorExists As %Integer, tSC As %Status, statusVarName As %String, listOfStatusVarWithError = "") As %Status
This method is very specific to the APIs currently written in %DeepSee.REST.v2.CommandServer and is designed to be a utility function only for that class answer is a dynamic abstract object, errorExists is a 0 or 1 indicating if an error has occured or not. If errorExists is 1, tSC is the status variable to be returned from the methodthat is invoking this method listOfStatusVarWithError is a list of integers used for methods like /Command/RepairBuild and /Command/BuildAllRegisteredGroups where the variable containing the status (such as buildStats for these 2 APIs) has 2 indices and the answer needs to indicate which buildstat contains the error
ClassMethod %lookup2JSON(ByRef array)
A special case of %DeepSee.REST.REST.%Array2JSON used to modify the lookup variable returned by %DeepSee.REST.v2.CommandServer.%BuildRegistryMap