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Class %DeepSee.extensions.stat.AbstractContinuousDistribution Extends AbstractDistribution [ System = 4 ]

Provides common base for various continues distributions.



Parameter MINVAL As COSEXPRESSION [ Internal ] = 1.0E-125;


Parameter Continuous As BOOLEAN [ Abstract, Internal ] = 1;



ClassMethod %IsContinuous() As %Boolean

Returns 1


Method cdf(x1 As %Double, x2 As %Double = "") As %Double [ Abstract ]

An interface method for cumulative distribution function (CDF). Optionally provides a cumulative probability of a value being between two values x1 and x2.

If called with 1 argument(x1) or if the value of second argument is empty string then returns CDF value for x1. If called with two arguments, x1 and x2 then returns a probability of a value being between x1 and x2.


Method pdf(x As %Double) As %Double [ Abstract ]

An interface method for probability distribution function (PDF). Returns PDF value for x.


Method GetDiscreteDistribution(x0 As %Double, x1 As %Double, n As %Integer, Output sc As %Status) As Abstract1DDistribution

Returns a discrete distribution between values x0 and x1 constructed from this continues distribution. The discrete distribution is divided into n bins.


Method GetLogLikelihood(Q As AbstractDistribution, Output sc As %Status) As %Double


Method logL(Q As Abstract1DDistribution, Output sc As %Status) As %Double [ Private ]