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Class %DeepSee.Component.Widget.abstractControlPanel Extends (%ZEN.Component.component, %ZEN.Component.dataView) [ System = 4 ]

Base class for DeepSee Control Panel Widget.
A control panel is a specialized widget that can be plugged into a DeepSee dashboard to hold controls only.



Parameter NAMESPACE = "";



Property settings As %String [ MultiDimensional ];

MultiDimensional property containing the current settings values for this panel.



XData Style

Style for the panel



ClassMethod %OnGetPanelName() As %String

Return the localized caption of this panel. This is displayed in the Widget Builder dialog. This should be overridden in subclasses.


ClassMethod %OnGetPanelIcon() As %String

Return the URL of the icon to display for this panel. This is displayed in the Widget Builder dialog. This should be overridden in subclasses.


Method %DrawHTML()

Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
This should be overridden in subclasses.


ClientMethod adjustContentSize(load, width, height) [ Abstract, Language = javascript ]

Notification from the containing widget that the page is loaded or the widget is resized. Subclass can implement this, if they wish.


ClientMethod onApplyFilters(refresh, widget) [ Abstract, Language = javascript ]

Notification that a filter has changed. Subclass can implement this, if they wish.
refresh inidicates if the display should be refreshed.
widget is the containing widget object.