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Class %DeepSee.Component.Widget.scoreCardWidget Extends (%DeepSee.Component.Widget.widget, %DeepSee.Component.ScoreCardContent) [ System = 4 ]

A specialized DeepSee Dashboard widget that displays a visual scorecard.



ClassMethod %GetCatalogInfo(Output pInfo As %List, Output pSubtypeList As %List) As %Status

Return information used to list this widget within the "widget catalog".


ClassMethod %GetWidgetPropertyInfo(pSubtype As %String, Output pInfo As %List) As %Status

Return information on additional "properties" supported by this widget for the given subtype.


Method %OnCreateWidget(pGroup As As %Status

This callback is responsible for creating the contents of the widget.


ClientMethod adjustContentSize(load, width, height) [ Language = javascript ]

Called when page is loaded or widget is resized.


ClientMethod getDataController() [ Language = javascript ]

If this widget contains a data controller, return it. This allows for generic capabilities in this base class.


Method %GetDataController() As %ZEN.Auxiliary.abstractController

If this widget contains a data controller, return it.


ClientMethod isReady() [ Internal, Language = javascript ]

Test if this widget is ready to be resized.


ClientMethod rowClickHandler(row, value) [ Internal, Language = javascript ]

Click handler for row in scoreCard.

ClientMethod navGetContentForLevel(level, key, value) [ Internal, Language = javascript ]

Return an object describing what to display for this level within the navigator. Invoked from dashboard viewer.

ClientMethod navHeaderButtonClick(key) [ Language = javascript ]

Click on header button in navigator.

ClientMethod navCloseButtonClick(key) [ Language = javascript ]

Click on close button in navigator.

ClientMethod navDataArrange(key, swap, final) [ Language = javascript ]

Re-arrange of a list in navigator.

ClientMethod navDataChange(key, value, final) [ Language = javascript ]

Change of data value in navigator.


ClientMethod hasOverrides() [ Language = javascript ]

Test if there are any style overrides for this widget.


ClientMethod resetOverrides() [ Language = javascript ]

Reset any style overrides for this widget.


ClientMethod getOverrides() [ Language = javascript ]

Return an array of current style overrides for this widget. Used to save to a theme.


ClientMethod exportPDF(printMultiple, preserveTempFiles) [ Language = javascript ]

PDF export for SVG using the svgImageProvider


Method %OnCreateControls(pGroup As As %Status

This callback is called just before controls are added to the top of the widget. pGroup is the header in which new Zen control can be added.


ClientMethod onApplyFilters(refresh) [ Internal, Language = javascript ]

Notification to subclasses that filter has changed.