Class %DeepSee.Query.Parser Extends %RegisteredObject [ System = 3 ]
Contains the DeepSee MDX query parser and related APIs.
This class contains no publicly accessible code.
Property Trace As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Debug flag.
Property Text As %String;
Query text.
Property Position As %Integer;
Current position within query text.
Property LastToken As %String;
Most recently parsed token (used for error reporting).
Property InSearch As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Indicates the current tokens are within the %SEARCH context
Property Bookmark As %Integer;
Current bookmark position within query text.
Property %Stack As %Integer [ MultiDimensional ];
Context stack.
Property Query As %DeepSee.Query.query;
The query object this parser is constructing.
Property CubeName As %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Cubename within the current query.
ClassMethod %ParseMDX(pText As %String, pQuery As %DeepSee.Query.query = "", pTrace As %Boolean = 0) As %Status [ Internal ]
Simple MDX parser. Convert the MDX query in pText into a set of DeepSee query objects (applied to pQuery).
If pQuery is not supplied, a new query object is created and returned.
ClassMethod %ParseMDXExpression(pText As %String, pQuery As %DeepSee.Query.query, pGroup As %DeepSee.Query.group, Output pNode As %DeepSee.Query.node, pCube As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Simple MDX expression parser. Convert the MDX expression in pExpression into a set of DeepSee query objects (applied to pGroup).
pQuery is the outer query context which is calling this. pCube is an optional cube to query, otherwise the one in the query context is used.
ClassMethod %Tokenize(pText As %String, Output pTokens As %List) As %Status [ Internal ]
Take the text in pText and convert it to a list of tokens using MDX grammar: pTokens(n) = $LB(type,value)
Method %AtEnd() As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if we are the end of the statement.
Method %SetBookmark() [ Internal ]
Bookmark the current parsing position.
This allows us to push a token back onto the incoming stream.
Method %GotoBookmark() [ Internal ]
Revert to last set bookmark.
Method %PushContext(pText As %String) [ Internal ]
Push the current parsing state and use pText as a token source.
Method %PopContext() [ Internal ]
Pop the current parsing state restore the prior state.
ClassMethod %IsSpecialChar(char As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if char is a special character
ClassMethod %IsArrowToken(token As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if token is a special token
ClassMethod %IsOperatorChar(char As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if char is a part of an operator name
ClassMethod %IsOperatorToken(token As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if token is an operator name.
ClassMethod %IsUnaryOperatorToken(token As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test if token is a unary operator name.
ClassMethod %IsQuotedIdent(pIdent As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Test whether pIdent is a quoted identifier.
ClassMethod %UnquoteIdent(pIdent As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Return the string portion of a quoted identifier.
ClassMethod %QuoteIdent(pIdent As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Return a quoted version of the given identifier. Ignore special "&" character as well as @namedParms Do not add quotes if pIdent is already bounded by a [] pair
ClassMethod %QuoteTrustedIdent(pIdent As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Return a quoted version of the given identifier. Do not check to see if the identifier is already quoted Ignore special "&" character as well as @namedParms
ClassMethod %BuildEscapedSpec(pIdentifierList As %List, Output pStatus As %Status, pIncludeKey As %Boolean = 0) As %String
Return a spec with escaped identifiers, translating each "]" into a "]]" to escape the closing quote. The argument pIdentifierList may be a list of any length. The method will terminate construction upon encountering the first null entry in the list.
The pIncludeKey flag can be used to add a "&[]"-enclosed key as the final pice of the spec generated from the pIdentifierList. By default the method will asume no key is included in the list.
Method %NextToken(Output pType As %String, Output tSC As %Status) As %String [ Internal ]
Return next token within the query text and its type. Type can be NUM[ber], LIT[eral], STR[ing], QSTR, OP[erator], SPEC[ial], END. If there are comments, they are removed.
Method %ValidateNamedParm(pParmName As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]
Syntactically validate the given named parameter.
Method %Trace(pText As %String, pIndent As %Integer = 0) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression, Internal ]
Print a trace message if trace is enabled.
Method %TraceMsg(pText As %String, pIndent As %Integer = 0) As %Boolean [ Internal ]
Print out trace message (do not call directly).
Method %Error(pMsg As %String, pToken As %String = "") As %Status [ Internal ]
Construct a parser error message.
Method %ParseStatement(pQuery As %DeepSee.Query.query) As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX statement.
Apply the results to pQuery.
Method %ParseWITH(pMode As %String = "with") As %Status
Parse an MDX WITH statement. If pMode is "with", then this is a WITH clause of a query; If pMode is "set" or "member", then this is a CREATE statement;
Method %ParseSELECT() As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX SELECT statement.
Method %ParseAXIS(Output pAxisNum As %String, Output pAxis As %DeepSee.Query.axis, pMode As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX Axis Specification statement.
pMode specifies context: 0 = axis, 1 = slicer, 2 = %filter, (3 = named set).
Method %ParseMEMBER(pParent As %DeepSee.Query.group, Output pNode As %DeepSee.Query.node, pCloseToken As %String, pMode As %Integer, ByRef pFlags As %String, pLevel As %Integer = 1) As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse a member expression within an MDX axis.
This can be a simple member specifier: "[Measures].[Sales]"
A range: "[Time].[2005]:[Time].[2008]"
or an expression: "[Measures].[Sales]>100*[Measures].[X]"
The member expression can contain a function: "FILTER(A.B,C.D)"
or a set: "{A.A,B.B}"
or a range: "{A.A:A.B}"
or a tuple: "(A.A,B.B)"
or some combination of these.
On return, pNode is the newly created query object along with whatever children it needs..
pCloseToken is the token expected to end the tuple (such as ")" for a function).
pMode specifies context: 0 = axis, 1 = slicer, 2 = %filter, 3 = named set.
n.b., mode 2 is not used! If pFlags is present, it contains the set of valid function flags (we are parsing a function call in this case)...
Method %RemoveParens(pNodeNo As %Integer, ByRef pTree, pEmpty As %Boolean) As %Status [ Internal ]
Remove unneeded parens from tree. pEmpty is set true (1) if the node has only parens and can be removed.
Method %ProcessMemberNode(pNodeNo As %Integer, ByRef pTree, ByRef pObjList, Output pObj As %DeepSee.Query.node) As %Status [ Internal ]
Used by parseMEMBER to convert expression trees into query objects.
pNodeNo is the top node number in the tree.
pTree is the expression tree.
pObjList an array of objects referenced by the tree.
pObj is the newly created object.
Method %ParseFROM() As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX FROM statement.
Method %ParseWHERE() As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX WHERE statement.
Method %ParseFILTER() As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX %FILTER statement. %FILTER is an ISC extension.
Method %ParseRETURN() As %Status [ Internal ]
Parse an MDX RETURN statement (used by DRILLTHROUGH statements). A RETURN statement is basically the SELECT list used against the source table to return rows.
ClassMethod %ParseMemberSpec(pText As %String, Output pInfo, Output pQuoted, Output pMemberKey) As %Status [ Internal ]
Take a string containing a member specification, "[Member1].[Member2]", and return an array of the member names indexed by ordinal position as well as an array of whether a term was quoted or not.
pMemberKey is array indicating if a member key (&[]) is specified for an item.
This is used later in query processing.
Method %OnNew(text As %RawString) As %Status [ Internal, Private, ServerOnly = 1 ]
This callback method is invoked by the %New method to provide notification that a new instance of an object is being created.
If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.
It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call. When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New(). For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:
Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status
ClassMethod %TestPrecedence(op1 As %String, op2 As %String) As %Boolean [ Internal ]
Returns true if op1 has precedence over op2.
Method %ValidateText(pQuery As %DeepSee.Query.query = {$$$NULLOREF}, pText = "") As %Status
Perform initial checks on the MDX text itself to see if there are obvious errors that can be reported without further processing.