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Class %DeepSee.Query.memberMeasure Extends %DeepSee.Query.member [ System = 4 ]

Specialized version of the member class used for measures.



Method %FindMemberByName(pName As %String, pDim As %Integer, pHier As %Integer, Output pFlag As %Boolean, pLevel As %Integer = "", Output pMemberKey As %String) As %Status [ Internal ]

Test if pName is a valid measure name.


Method %ApplyState(pType As %String) As %Status

Set the state of this member using the current meta data node.


Method %ProcessMembers(pParent As %Integer, Output pSet As %List) As %Status

Process the member name and key information for this tuple. Put the result into pSet.


ClassMethod %GetMembers(pCubeName As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer, pLevelNo As %Integer, pRollupKey As %String, pParent As %Integer, pKey As %String, ByRef pNodeNo As %Integer, pRecurse As %Integer = 0, ByRef pRange As %String, ByRef pMemberList) As %Status

Find the set of members that match the given criteria and place them into the axis tree.
In this case, return all measures for the current cube.