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Class %DeepSee.Query.range Extends node [ System = 3 ]

This class defines a range within a DeepSee query.
A range is set defined by a starting and ending member. It corresponds to the A:B syntax within MDX.



Property startMember As %DeepSee.Query.node;

Starting member for this range. This can be a memberSpec or a memberFunction.


Property endMember As %DeepSee.Query.node;

Ending member for this range. This can be a memberSpec or a memberFunction.


Property %member As %DeepSee.Query.member(XMLPROJECTION = "none");

Member object that provides the member API for the range. This is created during the pre-processing phase.



Method %GetType() As %String

Return type of this node.


Method %ToString(Output pSC As %Status) As %String

Convert this node to its text representation.


Method %PreProcess(pIsSlicer As %Boolean = 0) As %Status

Execute the pre-processing logic for this node.


Method %ProcessAxes(pCube As %String, pKey As %String, ByRef pNodeNo As %Integer, Output pNewNodeNo As %Integer, pParent As %Integer, pVisible As %Boolean = 1) As %Status [ Internal ]

Execute and build the axes output for this set.